On 2016-01-17 1:27 PM, Eric Griffith wrote:
On Jan 17, 2016 13:15, "Stewart Adam" <maill...@diffingo.com
<mailto:maill...@diffingo.com>> wrote:
 > On 2016-01-07 11:30 AM, Eric Griffith wrote:
 >> My problem is.. The Win7 (and Win8.1) guests are perfectly fine and stable
 >> until I try to install the amd crimson drivers. Then Windows BSODs, yelling
 >> about an unhandled exception. If I unpack the install and install things
 >> piecemeal, then I can install the HDMI audio driver, and everything else
 >> okay...except for the display driver. Installing the display driver causes
 >> the BSOD.
 > How are you booting the guest (e.g. manually executing QEMU, or manually
created libvirt XML or virt-manager+libvirt)?


 > I had a very similar symptom on my guest, in the end it was the guest's
machine flag "vmport=off" that virt-manager had added that resulted in the
hang/BSOD upon installation of the driver.

I tried removing the vmport=off flag but still BSOD'ed :(

> After attempting a driver install, does the guest boot correctly but hang
when attempting to show the login screen (i.e. when the 3D driver initializes)?

Sometimes yes, other times itd just do the boot as if I had never tried to
install the driver.

Sounds like the same issue I was experiencing... Have you also added a ioh3420 device edited your configuration so that the GPU is attached to it instead the default PCI/PCIE buses? If you're not sure, please attach the output of "virsh dumpxml your-vm-name".


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