with vdr 1.7.16 and reelbox plugin (eHD) this channels are ok in live tv
 (even with some BER with my dish, Warszawa seemed to be weaker, i also
 got UNC's there but no real problems, only a small picture distortion
 some times)

And Reinhard also sees them ok with vdr-xine, while I still have problems both with vdr-xine and the dxr3 :-/

I have used to have problems for watching some "pretty weak signal" DVB-T
channels also which seemed always lost the log after 5 minute usage, until vdr killed and restarted itself. The problem went away for me after I changed from the vdr settings the EPG scan mode to "newer" or something like that. (I am not near to my vdr at the moment, so I can not check the exact location and text for this menu in the vdr.)

Can you test, whether the same thing could help also you?

I am running 2 card system
- hauppauge hvr-1300
        dvb-t connected
- hauppauge hvr-4000
        dvb-s connected
dvb-t not connected because vdr does not support using both the dvb-s and t from the hvr-4000.


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