
Am 05.10.2010 21:00, schrieb Luca Olivetti:
> Al 05/10/10 20:49, En/na Reinhard Nissl ha escrit:
>>>>> FWIW, if I set the audio pid to 0, the video is perfect.
>>>> With all output plugins (vdr-xine, dxr3 and streamdev, the latter only
>>>> if NOT streaming in TS, which pulls the audio anyway and breaks the
>>>> picture).
>>> The reverse is also true: if I set the video pid to 0, the audio is
>>> fine.
>>> Any hint on how to debug this?
>> Do you use this patch with vdr-xine?
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/vdr@linuxtv.org/msg11991.html
> Yes.

Does this happen with 1.7.15 too? I'm still at 1.7.15 -- didn't
find time to update yet.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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