Al 04/10/10 21:41, En/na Reinhard Nissl ha escrit:

Am 04.10.2010 21:07, schrieb Luca Olivetti:
Al 04/10/10 20:55, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/10/10 20:10, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/10/10 19:36, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:

Now I tried with a clean vdr (1.7.16), no patches (though my patches
didn't modify the signal path at all), only the vdr-xine plugin and the
problem is still there.
BTW, the same xine I'm using with the plugin, has no problem playing
stream from dvbstream.

If I start a recording and try to play the ts file with, say, mplayer,
it has the same problems, with a lot of messages in the console:

FWIW, if I set the audio pid to 0, the video is perfect.

With all output plugins (vdr-xine, dxr3 and streamdev, the latter only
if NOT streaming in TS, which pulls the audio anyway and breaks the

Please have a look at
and try changing buffer sizes. Just a guess.

I tried setting video buffers to 5000 and audio buffers to 500, but it didn't change anything. Unsurprising, since with the default settings I have no problem with HD and these channels are SD and at a fairly low bitrate. Besides, the same xine with the same configuration had no problem playing the stream from dvbstream, and the fact that all output plugins are doing the same points to a lower level problem. The dxr3 plugin still uses pes video, so I first suspected cTsToPes, but the recording test made me think of something else.


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