Hi Everyone,

The header of my N300 yaml file is shown below, but this results in an HG
image being built, not the XG. (I am building this with UHD-4.8.)

The HG image does contain my new RFNoC block, with the right endpoints etc.,
so I believe the yaml config should be (mostly) correct?

I find it strange because the bit file that is generated also has the name

When loaded, "usrp_find_devices" returns:

-- UHD Device 0
Device Address:
    serial: XXXXXXX
    claimed: False
    fpga: HG
    name: ni-n3xx-XXXXXXX
    product: n300
    type: n3xx

Is there something I might be missing somewhere?

Many thanks, Kevin

schema: rfnoc_imagebuilder_args         # Identifier for the schema used to
validate this file
copyright: >-                           # Copyright information used in file
  Copyright 2023 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
license: >-                             # License information used in file
  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
version: '1.0'                          # File version
chdr_width: 64                          # Bit width of the CHDR bus for this
device: 'n300'
default_target: 'N300_XG'
image_core_name: 'usrp_n300_fpga_XG'

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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