On 02/10/2024 20:17, Q W via USRP-users wrote:

I just started using USRP for a project. I have a Ettus X310 with a UBX160, a LFTX and a LFRX installed on the motherboard. The X310 motherboard is quite old purchased in 2016/2017. Labview is used as the software platform.

After connecting X310 with PC via 1G Ethernet cable, I was required to upgrade the firmware. Then I had a warning (see the screenshot below) when trying to upgrade. I didn't proceed. I contacted NI and was advised that in order to turn an Ettus USRP to an NI USRP, the daughterboards installed must be the same. Also Labview doesn't support the configuration with two different daughterboards. However, due to the requirement of the project, I will have to use these daughterboards to cover all the frequence bands I am interested in. I couldn't afford to buy a second motherboard either.

Inline image

I would like to know if it's possible to use the X310 and the daughterboards available to me at the moment. If NI and Labview have restrictions on the daughterboards, can I use other software tools such as UHD and Gnuradio?

Kind regards,

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Your configuration should be supportable in a UHD+Gnu Radio environment.

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