On 21/05/2024 21:05, Hamid Niknami wrote:
Thank you for your reply. REgarding the write speed, I assume that fast SD;s should be able to easily do that:

The NVMe Gen4 x4 interface delivers extreme performance of up to 7,500MB/s seq. read and 6,850MB/s seq. write speeds.
Well, of course, fast disk-drives are necessarily connected to a computer, with the attendant operating-system and   CPU bottlenecks.  It's not like the SDR just directly talks to you disk drives with no intervening "system stuff".

By synchronization, I mean that all three SDRs start sampling at the same time (with less than 1us difference).
That should be doable.

The questions that I have are as below:
Q1) Considering the fact that I will have a minimum of three SDRs, can one instance of the GNU Radio running on my PC handle three or more SDRs?
Keeping in mind *performance* considerations, that shouldn't be an issue.   Gnu Radio places each block in its own thread,
  and for quirky reasons each of your B2xx blocks will need to be separate.

Q2) Is there any ready to use GNU Radio Flow graph for such a scheme to work?
There may be.  You could check cgran.org, or ask on the discuss-gnuradio mailing list.  But, really, the set   "useful and interesting things one might do at the intersection of radio, DSP, and computers" is large-to-infinite.   So expecting something "out there" that does exactly the thing you want to do is, I would say, naive.

Q3) Can you suggest any other low cost approach for recording and playing back 100MHz bandwidth at 2.4GHz?

Not immediately.  But I've been an SDR guy since 2004, and a USRP guy since shortly after that.  So, that's kind of
  where my head-space is at.


On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 5:47 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 21/05/2024 20:24, Hamid Niknami via USRP-users wrote:


    I am very new to SDR. I need a low cost solution to record all
    the interferences in the 100MHz band of the 2.4GHz ISM band
    (created by multiple WiFi and Bluetooth devices) and then play it
    back to emulate the interference. I do not need to decode those
    signals. I am thinking of using B200 for down converting to base
    band, recording on a SSD and then playing back the recorded
    signal using the B200 for upconverting to 2.4GHz. Considering the
    fact that B200 cannot cover the whole 100MHz BW, I am thinking of
    using three B200 with synchronized triggers, each set to a
    different band.

    A few questions:

    - Will such a scheme work?

    - If yes, is there any GNU Radio Flow graph readily available for it?

    - If yes, what issues/headaches shall I expect to be ready to
    deal with?

    - Can multiple B200 be programmed to work in sync? If yes, what
    is the recommended source for generating the synchronization
    pulse? (another B200?) Any schematic for the needed HW
    connections for synchronization?

    - If the above approach is not going to work, what other low cost
    solution do you suggest?


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    Depends on what you mean by "synchronization".   If you mean "OK,
    B200s, please all start recording now", that is easily
      accomplished using timed commands, and an initial setup that
    sets their timestamp clocks to the same value using
      a 1PPS input.

    IF you need all B200 devices to be mutual *phase coherent* with
    one another, that's considerably more challenging.

    Recording 100MHz of bandwidth on a single (cheap, it sounds like)
    PC is also going to be challenging.  Even if you only record
      8-bit samples, that's 200Mbyte/second.

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