
I am very new to SDR. I need a low cost solution to record all the
interferences in the 100MHz band of the 2.4GHz ISM band (created by
multiple WiFi and Bluetooth devices) and then play it back to emulate the
interference. I do not need to decode those signals. I am thinking of using
B200 for down converting to base band, recording on a SSD and then playing
back the recorded signal using the B200 for upconverting to 2.4GHz.
Considering the fact that B200 cannot cover the whole 100MHz BW, I am
thinking of using three B200 with synchronized triggers, each set to a
different band.

A few questions:

- Will such a scheme work?

- If yes, is there any GNU Radio Flow graph readily available for it?

- If yes, what issues/headaches shall I expect to be ready to deal with?

- Can multiple B200 be programmed to work in sync? If yes, what is the
recommended source for generating the synchronization pulse? (another
B200?) Any schematic for the needed HW connections for synchronization?

- If the above approach is not going to work, what other low cost solution
do you suggest?

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