Hello Martin, 

I am currently using two command prompt windows for debug information\
This is the first command prompt window where I logged into the n310 and ran 
both systemctl stop usrp-hwd and usrp_hwd.py -v commands and after running the 
uhd_usrp_probe command on the host computer: 

C:\\Windows\\System32>ssh root@ni-n3xx-3177E63

root@ni-n3xx-3177E63:\~# systemctl stop usrp-hwd

root@ni-n3xx-3177E63:\~# usrp_hwd.py -v

\[MPM.main\] \[INFO\] Launching USRP/MPM, version:

\[MPM.main\] \[INFO\] Spawning RPC process...

\[MPM.main\] \[DEBUG\] RPC process has PID: 354

\[MPM.main\] \[INFO\] Spawning discovery process...

\[MPM.main\] \[DEBUG\] Discovery process has PID: 355

\[MPM.main\] \[INFO\] Processes launched. Registering signal handlers.

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[INFO\] Device serial number: 3177E63

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Reading EEPROM info for dboard 0...

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Found dboard PID in EEPROM: 0x0150

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Reading EEPROM info for dboard 1...

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Found dboard PID in EEPROM: 0x0150

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Motherboard requests device tree overlays: 

\[MPM.DTO\] \[DEBUG\] Overlay \`n310' was already applied, not applying again.

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Using default args: {}

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Initializing dboard 0...

\[MPM.dboardManager\] \[DEBUG\] spidev device node map: {'cpld': 
'/dev/spidev0.0', 'lmk': '/dev/spidev0.1', 'mykonos': '/dev/spidev0.2', 
'phase_dac': '/dev/spidev0.3'}

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] Loading C++ drivers...

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] AD9371: ARM version: 184.72.95 Release API 
version: Device revision: 7

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.CPLD\] \[DEBUG\] Initializing CPLD...

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.CPLD\] \[DEBUG\] CPLD Signature: 0xCAFE Revision: 5.0 Date 
code: 0x18010408

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Initializing dboard 1...

\[MPM.dboardManager\] \[DEBUG\] spidev device node map: {'cpld': 
'/dev/spidev1.0', 'lmk': '/dev/spidev1.1', 'mykonos': '/dev/spidev1.2', 
'phase_dac': '/dev/spidev1.3'}

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] Loading C++ drivers...

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] AD9371: ARM version: 5.1.1 Release API version: Device revision: 4

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.CPLD\] \[DEBUG\] Initializing CPLD...

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.CPLD\] \[DEBUG\] CPLD Signature: 0xCAFE Revision: 5.0 Date 
code: 0x18010408

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[INFO\] Initialized 2 daughterboard(s).

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Actual FPGA compat number: 8.2

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Minor compat ahead of expected compat for 
component 'FPGA'. Expected: 8.1 Actual: 8.2

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] FPGA supports the following features: 

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Setting clock source to \`internal'

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Reference clock source is: internal

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Reference clock frequency is: 25.0 MHz

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Setting time source to \`internal'

\[MPM.PeriphManager.MBRegs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting time source to internal (25 MHz 

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Updating mboard FPGA type info to HG

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Found the following GPIO sources: 

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0, int0'

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Device info: {'type': 'n3xx', 'pid': '16962', 
'serial': '3177E63', 'rev': '6', 'eeprom_version': '2', 'mpm_sw_version': 
'', 'fs_version': '20231113194400', 'mender_artifact': 
'v4.6.0.0_n3xx', 'dboard_0_pid': '336', 'dboard_0_serial': b'319803C', 
'dboard_1_pid': '336', 'dboard_1_serial': b'317532F', 'product': 'n310'}

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[INFO\] init() called with device args 

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0, int0'

\[MPM.misc-enet-regs0\] \[DEBUG\] Setting my own IP address to \`'

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting my own IP address to \`'

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting internal MAC address to 

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting internal IP address to 

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting internal Mode

\[MPM.PeriphManager.XportAdapterMgr@sfp0\] \[DEBUG\] Transport adapter compat 
number: 1.0 Capabilities: rx_hdr_removal, rx_routing Node instance: 0

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Loaded transport adapter managers for the 
following interfaces: sfp0

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Initializing dboards in parallel...

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] init() called with args 

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] Updating master clock rate to 125.00 MHz!

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] init() called with args 

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] Updating master clock rate to 125.00 MHz!

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init\] \[DEBUG\] Reset Dboard Clocking and JESD204B 

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init.LMK04828\] \[DEBUG\] Using reference clock frequency: 
25.0 MHz

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init.LMK04828\] \[DEBUG\] Using master clock frequency: 125.0 

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] Reset Dboard Clocking and JESD204B 

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init.LMK04828\] \[DEBUG\] Using reference clock frequency: 
25.0 MHz

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init.LMK04828\] \[DEBUG\] Using master clock frequency: 125.0 

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init.LMK04828\] \[DEBUG\] Clocks Initialized and PLLs Locked!

\[MPM.Sync-0\] \[DEBUG\] Starting clock synchronization...

\[MPM.Sync-0\] \[DEBUG\] Configuring the TDC...

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init.LMK04828\] \[DEBUG\] Clocks Initialized and PLLs Locked!

\[MPM.Sync-1\] \[DEBUG\] Starting clock synchronization...

\[MPM.Sync-1\] \[DEBUG\] Configuring the TDC...

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init\] \[DEBUG\] Residual synchronization error: 69.9 ps.

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init\] \[DEBUG\] Sample Clock Synchronization Complete!

\[MPM.Magnesium-0.init\] \[DEBUG\] Sample Clocks and Phase DAC Configured 

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] Residual synchronization error: 70.1 ps.

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] Sample Clock Synchronization Complete!

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] Sample Clocks and Phase DAC Configured 

\[MPM.NIJESD204bCore-1\] \[DEBUG\] Disabling the eye scan circuitry in the PMA 
for the GTXs...

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.CPLD\] \[DEBUG\] Resetting AD9371!

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] Setting up LO source..

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] RX LO source is set at internal

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] TX LO source is set at internal

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] args\[init_cals\]=0x4DFF

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] args\[tracking_cals\]=0xC3

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] JESD204B Link Initialization & Training 

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[WARNING\] Failed to initialize device on boot: 
RuntimeError: ARM Mailbox Busy. Command not executed in MYKONOS_sendArmCommand()

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0'

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[DEBUG\] Registered 66 motherboard methods, 130 
daughterboard methods.

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[INFO\] RPC server ready!

\[MPM.discovery\] \[DEBUG\] Got poked by:

\[MPM.discovery\] \[DEBUG\] Sending discovery response to port: 

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0'

\[MPM.discovery\] \[DEBUG\] Got poked by:

\[MPM.discovery\] \[DEBUG\] Received echo request from

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "src/gevent/greenlet.py", line 766, in gevent._greenlet.Greenlet.run

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/baseserver.py", line 26, in 

    return handle(\*args_tuple)

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 71, in mprpc.server.RPCServer.__call__

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 87, in mprpc.server.RPCServer._run

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 155, in mprpc.server._RPCConnection.recv

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/_socket3.py", line 378, in recv

    return _socket.socket.recv(self._sock, \*args)

ConnectionResetError: \[Errno 104\] Connection reset by peer

2023-11-13T20:08:34Z <Greenlet at 0xb5243c90: 
_handle_and_close_when_done(<usrp_mpm.rpc_server.MPMServer object at 0xb5c3dbb, 
<bound method StreamServer.do_close of <StreamServ, (<gevent._socket3.socket 
\[closed\]  object, fd=-1, )> failed with ConnectionResetError

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "src/gevent/greenlet.py", line 766, in gevent._greenlet.Greenlet.run

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/baseserver.py", line 26, in 

    return handle(\*args_tuple)

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 71, in mprpc.server.RPCServer.__call__

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 87, in mprpc.server.RPCServer._run

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 155, in mprpc.server._RPCConnection.recv

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/_socket3.py", line 378, in recv

    return _socket.socket.recv(self._sock, \*args)

ConnectionResetError: \[Errno 104\] Connection reset by peer

2023-11-13T20:08:34Z <Greenlet at 0xb5243c90: 
_handle_and_close_when_done(<usrp_mpm.rpc_server.MPMServer object at 0xb5c3dbb, 
<bound method StreamServer.do_close of <StreamServ, (<gevent._socket3.socket 
\[closed\]  object, fd=-1, )> failed with ConnectionResetError

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[DEBUG\] Claiming from:, Session ID: UHD

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[DEBUG\] giving token: b'h0dtPzaeXyENbMd9' to host:

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[DEBUG\] reclaimed from:

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0'

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Setting device ID to \`1'

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[INFO\] init() called with device args 

\[MPM.PeriphManager.UDP.UDP\] \[DEBUG\] Found CHDR interfaces: \`sfp0, int0'

\[MPM.misc-enet-regs0\] \[DEBUG\] Setting my own IP address to \`'

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting my own IP address to \`'

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting internal MAC address to 

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting internal IP address to 

\[MPM.misc-enet-int-regs\] \[DEBUG\] Setting internal Mode

\[MPM.PeriphManager.XportAdapterMgr@sfp0\] \[DEBUG\] Transport adapter compat 
number: 1.0 Capabilities: rx_hdr_removal, rx_routing Node instance: 0

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Loaded transport adapter managers for the 
following interfaces: sfp0

\[MPM.PeriphManager\] \[DEBUG\] Initializing dboards in parallel...

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] init() called with args 

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] Attempting fast re-init with the following 
settings: master_clock_rate=125.0 MHz ref_clk_freq=25000000.0

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] init() called with args 

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] Attempting fast re-init with the following 
settings: master_clock_rate=125.0 MHz ref_clk_freq=25000000.0

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] Running fast re-init with the following 

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] rx_lo_source=internal

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] tx_lo_source=internal

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] init_cals=DEFAULT

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] tracking_cals=DEFAULT

\[MPM.Magnesium-1.init\] \[DEBUG\] init_cals_timeout=60000

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[ERROR\] init() failed with error: 'NoneType' object has no 
attribute 'get'

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[WARNING\] A timeout event occured!

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[DEBUG\] Deinitializing device and releasing claim on 
session \`UHD ('

\[MPM.Magnesium-0\] \[DEBUG\] deinit() called, but not implemented.

\[MPM.Magnesium-1\] \[DEBUG\] deinit() called, but not implemented.

\[MPM.RPCServer\] \[WARNING\] Attempt to read logs without valid claim from

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "src/gevent/greenlet.py", line 766, in gevent._greenlet.Greenlet.run

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/baseserver.py", line 26, in 

    return handle(\*args_tuple)

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 71, in mprpc.server.RPCServer.__call__

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 87, in mprpc.server.RPCServer._run

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 155, in mprpc.server._RPCConnection.recv

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/_socket3.py", line 378, in recv

    return _socket.socket.recv(self._sock, \*args)

ConnectionResetError: \[Errno 104\] Connection reset by peer

2023-11-13T20:08:58Z <Greenlet at 0xb5243c90: 
_handle_and_close_when_done(<usrp_mpm.rpc_server.MPMServer object at 0xb5c3dbb, 
<bound method StreamServer.do_close of <StreamServ, (<gevent._socket3.socket 
\[closed\]  object, fd=-1, )> failed with ConnectionResetError

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "src/gevent/greenlet.py", line 766, in gevent._greenlet.Greenlet.run

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/baseserver.py", line 26, in 

    return handle(\*args_tuple)

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 71, in mprpc.server.RPCServer.__call__

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 87, in mprpc.server.RPCServer._run

  File "mprpc/server.pyx", line 155, in mprpc.server._RPCConnection.recv

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gevent/_socket3.py", line 378, in recv

    return _socket.socket.recv(self._sock, \*args)

ConnectionResetError: \[Errno 104\] Connection reset by peer

2023-11-13T20:08:58Z <Greenlet at 0xb5243ae0: 
_handle_and_close_when_done(<usrp_mpm.rpc_server.MPMServer object at 0xb5c3dbb, 
<bound method StreamServer.do_close of <StreamServ, (<gevent._socket3.socket 
\[closed\]  object, fd=-1, )> failed with ConnectionResetError

**This is what showed up on host computer after running uhd_usrp_probe:**

C:\\Program Files\\UHD\\bin>uhd_usrp_probe

\[INFO\] \[UHD\] Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.1; Boost_107800; 

\[INFO\] \[MPMD\] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args: 

\[ERROR\] \[RPC\] 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

\[ERROR\] \[UHD\] An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.The task 
loop will now exit, things may not work.rpc::timeout: Timeout of 10000ms while 
calling RPC function 'get_log_buf'

\[ERROR\] \[UHD\] Exception caught in safe-call.

  in uhd::mpmd::mpmd_mboard_impl::\~mpmd_mboard_impl

  at C:\\__w\\380\\s\\host\\lib\\usrp\\mpmd\\mpmd_mboard_impl.cpp:325

dump_logs(); _claimer_task.reset(); if (! 
rpc->request_with_token<bool>("unclaim")) { uhd::_log::log(uhd::log::warning, 
325, "MPMD", std::this_thread::get_id()) << "Failure to ack unclaim!";; } -> 
rpc::timeout: Timeout of 10000ms while calling RPC function 'get_log_buf'

Error: RuntimeError: Error during RPC call to \`init'. Error message: 
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
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