A while back, I built an E310 image using "static" linking. This allowed me
to include a 2 channel replay block with a 2 channel radio.  The yml may
require an update or two to work with the current UHD version, but see if
you can build an image with static links.  Keep in mind that with static
links you will be forced to use the replay block since you will not be able
to dynamically bypass it.

On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 1:55 PM <engr.muhd.has...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Could you please tell me how can solve this issue? As I am using GNU
> radio, when I increase sample rate beyond 2MS/s it misses samples. So,
> Ettus suggested me to use RFNoC replay Block. They also provided me with
> YAML file. I have two E313 USRPs and I have to use them for outdoor channel
> modelling. Could you please help me with that?
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Attachment: e310_replay_image_core.yml
Description: Binary data

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