On 20/11/2023 10:15, jmalo...@umass.edu wrote:


After trying to change the bitstream image from CG to X4 using uhd_image_loader, I was met with the following error, and then the x410 got caught in a bootloop…

|[ERROR] [UHD] An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.The task loop will now exit, things may not work.rpc::timeout: Timeout of 10000ms while calling RPC function 'reclaim'|

In the past when this has happened, I reflashed the eMMC and I was able to boot again. However, after reflashing the eMMC this time, I am unable to boot the eMMC.

I noticed that the back panel LEDs, when the device is powered off, currently has an Amber light on the PWR led, and a solid green light for LED 0 and 1, with LED 2 turned off. Typically, I have noticed when the device is powered off that the only LED turned on is the amber PWR light.

According to the manual, the LED 0 and LED 1 is the heartbeat and FPGA light on respectively. My concern is the reason reflashing no longer works is because the eMMC/FPGA is not power cycling like it should, so it is probably never uses the new image I am trying to flash.

Currently, the x410 is plugged in and I have not tried removing the power. However, if I remove the power supply, I am afraid I may damage the board since I would be pulling power from the FPGA, rather than shutting it down properly.

Is it safe to remove the power supply? And if not, what should I do?

That should be safe.   Generally, for computer systems, one doesn't pull the power "in the middle of things" to make certain   that the filesystem is in a consistent state when the power gets pulled, otherwise the filesystem can come up in an inconsistent

For other types of electronic systems, it's generally safe to pull the power at any time.  Generally.



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