The MPM software on your device is older than the FPGA you're trying to
use. Because you're using master, they haven't published updated
filesystems with the new MPM yet, but there will be a release candidate
very soon for UHD 4.5 you could try.


On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 10:20 AM Zacharias M Komodromos <>

> Hello all!
> I currently have a USRP X410 connected to a host through a
> QSFP28-to-QSFP28 connection, and also connected to a router through the
> ethernet port (to which the host is also connected to). I am trying to get
> large BW captures with the USRP. I have been trying to use the CG_400 FPGA
> image which is fixed at 400 MHz but have been getting dropped samples.
> I noticed on the wiki that a new flavor, UC_200, was noted, so I switched
> to the master branch on UHD and built UHD from the master branch. Once I
> tried to then flash the image on my X410 with:
> uhd_image_loader --args type=x4xx,addr=,fpga=UC_200
> I got the following error:
> [ERROR] [MPM.PeriphManager] Component fpga is too new (current: 8.0.0,
> oldest compatible: 8.0.0, MPM version: current: 7.9, oldest compatible: 7.0)
> [ERROR] [MPM.PeriphManager] MPM compatibility infos suggest that the new
> bitfile is not compatible, skipping installation. Component fpga is too new
> (current: 8.0.0, oldest compatible: 8.0.0, MPM version: current: 7.9,
> oldest compatible: 7.0)
> Error: RuntimeError: Error during RPC call to `update_component'. Error
> message: rpc::rpc_error during call
> I tried updating the X410 through a mender artifact, and also through
> “usrp_update_fs -t master,“ but any image I try to flash will produce the
> same error. When I run "uhd_config_info --version", the host returns "UHD
>" and the x410 returns "UHD"
> How should I proceed to be able to load the new images on the x410? What
> exactly needs updating and how?
> Thanks for the help!
> Zack
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