On 09/08/2023 03:46, edenmclaughlin...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Marcus,

Good Morning! I hope you are doing well. I have |ls -l| ‘d the |install_prefix/share/uhd/images/usrp_b210_fpga.rpt| file that you asked for. Here is the output for that file:


    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1518 May 26 15:57 usrp_b210_fpga.rpt

It is a total of 1.5K which is far less than 32KB meaning the b2xx_fx3_tools could have been able to load the contents of the report as you coined @Tue, Aug 8, 2023 2:34 PM. I also typed down the contents below so the viewers can have a look.


    Device utilization summary:


    Selected Device : 6slx150fgg484-3

    Slice Logic Utilization:

    Number of Slice Registers: 34280 out of 184304 18%

    Number of Slice LUTs: 37206 out of 92152 40%

    Number used as Logic: 31106 out of 92152 33%

    Number used as Memory: 6100 out of 21680 28%

    Number used as RAM: 1560

    Number used as SRL: 4540

    Slice Logic Distribution:

    Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 50601

    Number with an unused Flip Flop: 16321 out of 50601 32%

    Number with an unused LUT: 13395 out of 50601 26%

    Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 20885 out of 50601 41%

    Number of unique control sets: 805

    IO Utilization:

    Number of IOs: 180

    Number of bonded IOBs: 163 out of 338 48%

    IOB Flip Flops/Latches: 156

    Specific Feature Utilization:

    Number of Block RAM/FIFO: 190 out of 268 70%

    Number using Block RAM only: 190

    Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs: 4 out of 16 25%

    Number of DSP48A1s: 152 out of 180 84%


    Timing Summary:\n

    All constraints were met.


I hope the report is readable at all.

By the way, you have mentioned about a modified version of UHD. I am guessing it is not but is it publicly available by any chance or is it disclosed to the end-users under some conditions maybe? Would it be possible for me to configure an EEPROM image myself for any version of the UHD given I know the device’s serial no. part no. etc.?

If there is any alternative way to sending the device for a repair, I would be happy to try it out. Looking forward for your response!

I'm just guessing that manufacturing has a tool that does what you need.  I have some queries into the appropriate groups in

I did a fair amount of investigating yesterday, and the .img file is NOT just a linear blob of bytes, but has internal structure,   including address fields, etc.  So even though the file was only 1.5kb, it could still corrupt any address in the EEPROM, and
  even some FX3 configuration registers.

The EEPROM locations for the things in question here start at 32512 (256 bytes less than the 32KB size of the EEPROM).

The map for it is in:


const std::unordered_map<std::string, eeprom_field_t> B200_REV1_MAP = {
    {"magic", {0, 2}},
    {"eeprom_revision", {2, 2}},
    {"eeprom_compat", {4, 2}},
    {"vendor_id", {6, 2}},
    {"product_id", {8, 2}},
    {"revision", {10, 2}},
    {"product", {12, 2}},
    {"name", {14, NAME_MAX_LEN}},
    {"serial", {14 + NAME_MAX_LEN, SERIAL_LEN}},
    // pad of 210 bytes

Best wishes,


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