Hi Marcus,

Good Morning! I hope you are doing well. I have `ls -l` ‘d the 
`install_prefix/share/uhd/images/usrp_b210_fpga.rpt` file that you asked for. 
Here is the output for that file:

* -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1518 May 26 15:57 usrp_b210_fpga.rpt

It is a total of 1.5K which is far less than 32KB meaning the b2xx_fx3_tools 
could have been able to load the contents of the report as you coined @Tue, Aug 
8, 2023 2:34 PM. I also typed down the contents below so the viewers can have a 

> ========================================================================
> Device utilization summary:
> \---------------------------
> Selected Device : 6slx150fgg484-3 
> Slice Logic Utilization: 
>  Number of Slice Registers:                 34280  out of  184304    18%  
>  Number of Slice LUTs:                        37206  out of  92152    40%  
>     Number used as Logic:                    31106  out of  92152    33%  
>     Number used as Memory:                6100  out of  21680    28%  
>        Number used as RAM:                  1560
>        Number used as SRL:                   4540
> Slice Logic Distribution: 
>  Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used:  50601
>    Number with an unused Flip Flop:    16321  out of  50601    32%  
>    Number with an unused LUT:           13395  out of  50601    26%  
>    Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs:  20885  out of  50601    41%  
>    Number of unique control sets:         805
> IO Utilization: 
>  Number of IOs:                                   180
>  Number of bonded IOBs:                    163  out of    338    48%  
>     IOB Flip Flops/Latches:                   156
> Specific Feature Utilization:
>  Number of Block RAM/FIFO:              190  out of    268    70%  
>     Number using Block RAM only:       190
>  Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs:         4  out of     16    25%  
>  Number of DSP48A1s:                       152  out of    180    84%  
> ========================================================================
> Timing Summary:\\n
> All constraints were met.
> ========================================================================

I hope the report is readable at all.

By the way, you have mentioned about a modified version of UHD. I am guessing 
it is not but is it publicly available by any chance or is it disclosed to the 
end-users under some conditions maybe? Would it be possible for me to configure 
an EEPROM image myself for any version of the UHD given I know the device’s 
serial no. part no. etc.?

If there is any alternative way to sending the device for a repair, I would be 
happy to try it out. Looking forward for your response!

Best wishes,

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