On 04/08/2023 10:47, Maxim Belotserkovsky wrote:
Hi. I've successfully used my B200 mini-i under GNU radio in a ubuntu container. I've recently found a need to use simple routines just to send/receive canned data samples from Windows. There are some example utility programs that got installed a while back when I first installed the UHD drive, which are located under "C:\Program Files\UHD\lib\uhd\examples". I've successfully used "rx_samples_to_file" from Windows CMD shell to receive usable data transmitted from an external RF source. However, when I try using any of the transmit routines, such as "tx_sampes_from_file" or "tx_waveforms" (including just sending a canned SINE waveform), nothing happens - all I get when I hook up the TX output to the scope is just background noise. I know it's not the physical device, because it still works with GR. For example, I've used this: "tx_waveforms --wave-type SINE --wave-freq 1.0e3 --freq 70.0e6 --rate 1.0e6 --gain 20 --bw 200.0e3".

Maxim Belotserkovsky



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Try turning the gain up 10-20dB.  The gain-control range on TX on the B200 series is 90dB.  So at 20dB, you're about 70dB
  below the maximum output level.

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