Hi all,

I am using an X410 with X4_200 FPGA and latest FW as downloaded by 
uhd_images_downloader -t sdimg -t x4xx. This initially was working 
(uhd_usrp_probe and other calls went through fine) using UHD on the 

In order to use DPDK, I pulled the UHD repo from version branch V4.4.0.0 and 
recompiled with the ENABLE_DPDK flag turned on. After doing this, I sanity 
tested the newly compiled and installed UHD without DPDK. 

Here is the output from uhd_usrp_probe:

[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400; DPDK_21.11; 
[WARNING] [PREFS] Loaded config from /root/.uhd. This location is considered 
deprecated, consider moving your config file to /root/.config instead.
[INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args: 
[ERROR] [MPMD] MPM major compat number mismatch. Expected: 5.2 Actual: 4.4. 
Please update the version of MPM on your USRP device.
Error: RuntimeError: MPM major compat number mismatch. Expected: 5.2 Actual: 
4.4. Please update the version of MPM on your USRP device.

I don’t understand where 5.2 has come from. It looks like the host UHD is 
expecting 5.2. However the branch of UHD host that I compiled is definitely 
UHD_4.4 as show in the first line of the output. Running uhd_images_downloader 
again after recompiling still pulls the same sdimg file as before so updating 
the FW again doesn’t help. 

Anyone know what’s going on here? 

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