On 21/04/2023 04:17, Leon Wabeke wrote:

Hi Marcus

After stripping out the wrappers and replacing variables etc. it looks like we are using the following lines to attempt to setup the code to share the LO:

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“internal”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“companion”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 1);

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“external”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 2);

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“external”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 3);

I did wonder about the fact that channel 2 and 3 use “external” and whether that shouldn’t somehow be “reimport” or “companion” to indicate it should be sharing the LO, instead of getting an LO from external to the X310. Or should “external” only be interpreted as external to the TwinRX daughterboard?

What I am seeing here that is also bothering me is that we are calling set_rx_lo_export_enabled 4 times with the same settings, with the intention that it should be setting up each of the channels, to use channel 0. Should that actually be 0 to 3 or should we be explicitly be disabling 1 to 3?

Oh, something possibly unrelated is that for the mode where the code changes frequency after running, I initially tried to do that using a timed tune request, however I found that after 48 such requests the firmware crashed as stopped working, then I reverted to the mode of stopping the streaming and using tune request without a command time. I know after initialisation we do start at a specific time, but am not sure if the tune request during initialisation is timed or not.


The multiple calls to "set_rx_lo_exportr_enabled()" aren't necessary as far as I know--I've never had to do that.  Just the
  one call on the LO that you set as "master".

There's no physical support for "LO outside the cabinet" on X310+TwinRx, so "external" just means external to the card.

You should also make certain that your TwinRx cards are actually wired correctly for LO-sharing.


Could you share a error log of when the multiple-timed-commands "crashes"?   That would be very helpful.

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