Hi Marcus

After stripping out the wrappers and replacing variables etc. it looks like we 
are using the following lines to attempt to setup the code to share the LO:

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“internal”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“companion”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 1);

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“external”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 2);

USRP->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, USRP->ALL_LOS, 0);

USRP->set_rx_lo_source(“external”, USRP->ALL_LOS, 3);

I did wonder about the fact that channel 2 and 3 use “external” and whether 
that shouldn’t somehow be “reimport” or “companion” to indicate it should be 
sharing the LO, instead of getting an LO from external to the X310. Or should 
“external” only be interpreted as external to the TwinRX daughterboard?

What I am seeing here that is also bothering me is that we are calling 
set_rx_lo_export_enabled 4 times with the same settings, with the intention 
that it should be setting up each of the channels, to use channel 0. Should 
that actually be 0 to 3 or should we be explicitly be disabling 1 to 3?

Oh, something possibly unrelated is that for the mode where the code changes 
frequency after running, I initially tried to do that using a timed tune 
request, however I found that after 48 such requests the firmware crashed as 
stopped working, then I reverted to the mode of stopping the streaming and 
using tune request without a command time. I know after initialisation we do 
start at a specific time, but am not sure if the tune request during 
initialisation is timed or not.


From: Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, 20 April 2023 at 16:51
To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
Subject: [USRP-users] Re: TwinRX phase synchronisation using different versions 
of UHD
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On 20/04/2023 10:42, Leon Wabeke wrote:
I am using code utilizing the UHD library to capture samples from a X310 with 2 
TwinRX daughterboards. The sample rate is set to 25MSps. This is to 
characterize the system to ultimately use it in for phase interferometry 
direction finding similar to AN-244 
 (I tried installing that, but still some compiling issues to try to resolve)

As a test setup, I am using another X310 with UBX to generate a test signal, 
passing through a 4 way splitter to the 4 channels of the TwinRX. In software I 
correlate with the transmitted signal and extract the phase of the peak. I then 
plot it relative to ch0’s phase. Theory says that if I do it for different 
frequencies, the slope of the phase over frequency corresponds to path length 
differences of the cables (and the splitter/receiver response).

Using an application developed a few years ago using UHD v3.13.0.0 directly 
(and UHD v3.15.0.0), I am able to successfully capture data. The process is 
script driven, launch the custom app to initialize the SDR on a specific 
frequency and capture data to a file. Then close and quit the app and repeat 
this over 60 frequencies.
The application also supported a mode where instead of quitting completely, it 
could stop streaming, change frequency and start capturing again. I only tested 
this mode using UHD-3.13, however in that case, I saw that after the frequency 
change, there was a random multiple of 90 degrees phase offset present on some 
of the channels. This implies there was some nuance in the process of stopping, 
changing frequency and restarting streaming that was different from my process 
of initializing (during which a frequency is selected). Testing seemed to 
indicate that if I stopped and restarted on the same frequency, these phase 
jumps did not occur.
When I tried upgrading to UHD v4.2.0.0 or UHD v4.4.0.0, I found that this 
random frequency offset was also present if I captured just using the 
initialize process.
The attached figure shows the phase in the frequency range 5.25GHz, with the 
solid lines from the capturing using UHD 3.13 while the dots are from the 
capture using UHD 4.4. The change in the lines between 5.21-53GHz and 
5.51-5.6GHz I assume is due to changes in internal mixing strategy chosen by 
the expert mode tuner to avoid mixing products? While that is not nice, it 
atleast is repeatable while the offsets in the dots are random multiples of 90.
I assume that the 90 degrees originate either from mixing up I and Q somewhere 
in the data stream or what I suspect has to do with the decimation process to 
reduce the sample rate down to 25MSps. Years ago I worked with another sampler, 
where the clocks were not constrained properly and it also exhibited this 
behaviour due to clocks locking on one of 4 clock edges.
Any ideas where I can further dig to locate the problem? For the 3.13 the fact 
that it seemed consistent on initialization, while being problematic on freq 
change hinted I need to carefully study the sequence of events during those 
activities, but the fact that the initialization sequence no longer gives 
consistent results in >=4.2, makes me wonder that even if I chase that 
difference, it might only be of historic value. Can someone confirm that they 
have either seen this 90 degree random phase and/or that they are getting 
consistent phases (under what conditions?)

Are you LO-sharing across channels, or relying on synthesizer phase-reset and 
timed tuning?

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