Hi Brian,

Unfortunately, the DSP inside the current RFNoC DDC block processes one
sample per clock cycle. So the maximum sample rate through the DDC is the
same as the rate of the clock you provide to the ce clock input. With the
400 MHz bitstreams, radio_2x is 245.76 MHz. Because this is below the
491.52 Msps input rate, you're getting overflows.


On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 10:29 AM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've built up a custom FPGA based on the 400 MHz image, and I have a bit
> of an asymmetric scenario going on here.  The TX side of things has a
> custom block and it feeds the TX port at 491.52 MHz.
> The RX side I only need to receive at 30.72 Msps, so I instantiate a
> 2-channel DDC and connect it statically:
>   - radio0/out_0 -> ddc0/in_0, ddc0/out_0 -> ep0/in0
>   - radio0/out_1 -> ddc0/in_1, ddc0/out_1 -> ep1/in0
> When I set up my clock domains, I noticed there was a mix between the
> different setups, so I went with radio_2x for the DDC:
>   - srcport: radio, dstblk: radio0, dstport: radio
>   - srcport: raio_2x, dstblk: ddc0, dstport: ce
> This is how the X410_200 image seems to do it, so I figured it'd be fine.
> When I try to receive at the sample rate, I immediately get an overflow.
> To test it's just the FPGA being problematic, I set the program to receive
> from radio 1 which doesn't use the DDC and I receive the appropriate 491.52
> Msps with no overflows.
> So my question is why is adding the DDC problematic?  The only other
> difference I can see is the CHDR_WIDTH is 512 for my image and 64 for the
> X410_100 and X410_200 images?
> Any insight would be useful and welcome.
> Thanks,
> Brian
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