On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 6:12 PM Eugene Grayver <eugene.gray...@aero.org>

> Hello,
> I want to use an external IQ mixer with an external LO.  My signal is 160
> MHz wide, which fits nicely into the nominal complex 200 MHz Nyquist of the
> X310.  Unfortunately the only daughterboards for direct access to the ADCs
> are LFRX which maxes out at 30 MHz, and the Basic-RX with a minimum of 1
> MHZ.
> I am thinking of spinning a custom daughter board derived from LFRX with a
> wideband differential driver such as
> https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/6406fc.pdf
>  or
> alternatively just replacing the chip on an LFRX since these appear to be
> footprint compatible.
> Separately, I was looking at LFTX schematics and the part # for the
> amplifier is not specified.  Can somebody at Ettus/NI save me some time and
> lookup that part #.
> Comments?

Have you considered the BasicRX?


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