
I want to use an external IQ mixer with an external LO.  My signal is 160 MHz 
wide, which fits nicely into the nominal complex 200 MHz Nyquist of the X310.  
Unfortunately the only daughterboards for direct access to the ADCs are LFRX 
which maxes out at 30 MHz, and the Basic-RX with a minimum of 1 MHZ.

I am thinking of spinning a custom daughter board derived from LFRX with a 
wideband differential driver such as 
or alternatively just replacing the chip on an LFRX since these appear to be 
footprint compatible.

Separately, I was looking at LFTX schematics and the part # for the amplifier 
is not specified.  Can somebody at Ettus/NI save me some time and lookup that 
part #.




Eugene Grayver, Ph.D.
Aerospace Corp., Principal Engineer
Tel: 310.336.1274
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