Agreed, but it doesn't seem too much to expect that UHD should natively
supply a "non-swapping" converter so that each user who needs one doesn't
have to develop it.

On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 1:45 PM Marcus D. Leech <>

> On 08/03/2023 13:36, Rob Kossler wrote:
> Oh yeah, I forgot.  Does this imply that there is no way to keep UHD from
> swapping bytes in an rx_streamer (using X310)?  If so, this seems like a
> problem for RFNoC development since the data coming across the wire can be
> in any format the designer chooses.  And, swapping in the FPGA is not a
> good solution because you don't know the Endianness of the host.
> Rob
> The "doctrine" has been to represent data types in their "natural
> network-byte-order" on the wire, and the host code
>   can do whatever it needs to do.   This is consistent with practice in
> nearly-all other disciplines that send data over
>   the network (whether that's the Internet or other ethernet networks,
> etc).
> For little-endian hosts, UHD has to do the swap.
> But UHD allows you to register your own converter methods.  I've never
> done it myself, but I don't think it's that hard.
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 12:07 PM Marcus D. Leech <>
> wrote:
>> On 08/03/2023 11:42, Rob Kossler wrote:
>> Maybe can you just change the streamer OTW & CPU format to "sc8" such
>> that no byte swapping will occur?
>> I know that on the default X3xx builds, there's no sc8 format implemented
>> on the USRP end.
>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 10:31 PM Wade Fife <> wrote:
>>> You could swap the bytes in your block, or swap them in software on the
>>> host. The data gets rearranged by the streamer depending on the data type
>>> configured (e.g., sc16) and the endianness of the host machine.
>>> Wade
>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 2:45 AM Vermeulen, Bas (Consultant) via
>>> USRP-users <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We are developing an RFNOC module that takes I/Q data, and turns that
>>>> into two 8 bit values.
>>>> I have a test program that sends data to the RFNOC module, and receives
>>>> the modified data.
>>>> The RFNOC module treats the two 8 bit values as one signed 16 bit value.
>>>> When I read the data from the test program, I get it in the wrong order:
>>>> Send: Re0 Im0 Re1 Im1 Re2 Im2 Re3 Im3
>>>> Receive: Val1 Val0 Val3 Val2
>>>> Does anyone have any idea how to fix the order of the received values?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Bas Vermeulen
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