Hi Dor,

There are 2 arguments that can control the integer-N step size:  the
int_n_step tune arg and the dboard_clock_rate device arg.  The int_n_step
tune arg will explicitly change the step size by changing the R divider
value, which will break phase coherency between channels.  The
'dboard_clock_rate' value in the device args controls the reference clock
rate, which will keep the R divider set to 1 and support phase coherency
between channels.  Both will change the PFD frequency for the PLL.  The UBX
was designed for a PFD frequency of 50 MHz, which is why 50 MHz is the
default reference clock rate and the default R value is 1.  Reducing the
PFD frequency will result in more phase noise.  My recommendation is to set
the 'mode_n=integer' in the tune args, let the DSP tuning take care of the
offset by leaving the DSP tuning policy to the default (POLICY_AUTO), and
use the highest dboard_clock_rate possible (up to 50 MHz).  The highest
'dboard_clock_rate' can be achieved based on the required bandwidth of the
application by using the formula:

dbaord_clock_rate = (160 MHz - bandwidth) / 2

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Michael E. West

On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 3:07 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 06/03/2023 17:13, Dor Ratz wrote:
> Hey,
> Thanks a lot.
> *Several questions after thinking about it:*
> 1. Do you mean R&D of Ettus or GNURadio? Can you address me to the
> relevant email address?
> This thread really belongs on the usrp-users mailing list now, rather than
> discuss-gnuradio, i have copied usrp-users, and
>   removed discuss-gnuradio.
> 2. Let me see if I get it right for USRP X310 with UBX-160:
>    - Motherboard clock = MCR  =master_clock_rate  = main clock rate =
>    default value is 200MHz. The 10MHz REFCLK is used to set it.
>    - Daughterboard Clock Rate in Hz = dboard_clock_rate = default value
>    is 50MHz, need to change it to 20MHz for center frequencies under 1GHz do
>    decrease spurs.
>    This is actually the clock that the motherboard injects into the
>    daughterboard , i.e it is the reference clock of the MAX2871 PLL which is
>    on the daughterboard.
>    - According to this link
>    <http://www.radio-science.net/2017/12/adventures-in-usrp-tuning.html>,
>    if I set "mode_n=integer","int_n_step=100e3", in Device Address parameter
>    in USRP Sink block, then the frequency resolution on the PLL is:
>    frequency resolution [Hz] = int_n_step [Hz] = dboard_clock_rate [Hz] /
>    (R divider  [-])
>    For example:
>    100e3 [Hz] = 50e6 [Hz] / 500
>    So ->* the frequency resolution of the PLL is set by the "int_n_step"
>    parameter* -> it calculates the R divider [-] in the PLL relating to
>    dboard_clock_rate and desired int_n__step.
>    I guess that the result must be in the range of allowed PLL's R
>    divider values from 1 to 1023.
> 3.   Do I must set the  "int_n_step" parameter as follows?
> 4.  Does the frequency resolution range from 50MHz when R divider= 1[-] up
> to 0.05[MHz] when R divider = 1000[-] ?
> Referring to this sentence in max2871 PLL datasheet
> <https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/max2871.pdf>
> :
> ""The minimum R counter divide ratio is 1, and the maximum divide ratio is
> 1023"
> 5. Where can I find the relevant source code? I've looked here
> <https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd> but I'm not sure where the
> daughterboard code/relevant code is.
> Thanks
> Dor
> ‫בתאריך יום ב׳, 6 במרץ 2023 ב-19:10 מאת ‪Marcus D. Leech‬‏ <‪
> patchvonbr...@gmail.com‬‏>:‬
>> On 06/03/2023 08:54, Dor Ratz wrote:
>> Hey Marcus,
>> Thanks a lot.
>> I'm using external 10 MHz reference clock (REFCLK) with 1e-12[Hz]
>> frequency resolution -> it feeds my PLL in the UBX-160 daughterboard in the
>> X310 USRP.
>> The REFCLCK input to the X310 is used to control the master-clock(s) on
>> the motherboard, which, in turn produce clocks for
>>   the daughtercards--but the daughtercards never see your external clock
>> directly.
>> So, *when defining "mode_n=integer"* in the Device Address parameter of
>> the UHD: USRP Sink block in GNURadio to set PLL in integer-N mode, *what
>> is exactly R-DIVIDER= reference divider of the PLL*?
>> I've looked in the PLL (max2871) datasheet:
>> https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/max2871.pdf
>> According to it:
>> "The minimum R counter divide ratio is 1, and the maximum divide ratio is
>> 1023"
>> I understand that if for example, the R counter=(R-DIVIDER)=1000 -> the
>> frequency resolution is 10MHz/1000 = 0.01MHz= 10KHz, correct?
>> But I don't know what is the R-DIVIDER chosen in the PLL with the
>> settings in gnuradio.
>> Thanks,
>> Dor
>> You'd have to go looking through the source code.  Unless someone from
>> R&D happens to know off the top of their heads.
>>   10 years ago, I kept all of this in my head--when there were FAR fewer
>> products to keep track of and the codebase was
>>   more modest.
>> ‫בתאריך יום ה׳, 2 במרץ 2023 ב-21:55 מאת ‪Marcus D. Leech‬‏ <‪
>> patchvonbr...@gmail.com‬‏>:‬
>>> On 02/03/2023 13:09, Dor Ratz wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Do you know how to assess the RF PLL resolution in integer-N mode?
>>> I've looked in ANALOG max2871 PLL datasheet - not sure I found the
>>> answer there.
>>> https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/max2871.pdf
>>> The Ettus team is CC here too - it will be helpful to know what you
>>> suggest.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dor
>>> It will depend on the REFCLK that is being used by that board (I do not
>>> happen to know off the top of my head), and by
>>>   whatever flexibility in reference divider the PLL has.
>>> In an Integer-N PLL (and you can spend quite a bit of time learning how
>>> PLL synthesizers work online), the "step size" is
>>>   dependent on the REFCLK, which itself may have a divider on it.  So,
>>> let's say your REFCLK is 10MHz and there's a divider
>>>   that can divide the reference clock by up to 10000, then your minimum
>>> step size is 1kHz.   This is in tension with the
>>>   fact that having a high ratio between the desired frequency and the
>>> reference frequency tends to create signal-quality issues,
>>>   like, as I recall, phase noise.  But I'd research the datasheet and
>>> the overall concept of PLL synthesis.
>>> My recollection on the X310 is that the reference-clock frequency is
>>> 100MHz, but that's just a hazy memory.
>>> ‫בתאריך יום ד׳, 1 במרץ 2023 ב-21:10 מאת ‪Marcus D. Leech‬‏ <‪
>>> patchvonbr...@gmail.com‬‏>:‬
>>>> On 01/03/2023 13:14, Dor Ratz wrote:
>>>> Hey Marcus, How are you?
>>>> Not sure if you got my email.
>>>> Do you know anyway I can change transmitted frequency using PMT message
>>>> when doing your solution?
>>>> In addition, something that seemed to help me:
>>>> I used this:
>>>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2011-09/msg00309.html
>>>> In the USRP Sinc block, in center frequency parameter, I've put this:
>>>> uhd.tune_request(target_freq=1003e6, dsp_freq=0,
>>>> dsp_freq_policy=uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL)
>>>> With this, the transmitted 1003MHz signal is cleaner and the spur is
>>>> now further away at 16KHz offset with amplitude of 60dBc below the signal.
>>>> This alone cleans the spectrum!
>>>> In addition, I type "mode_n=integer" in the
>>>> Device Address parameter of the UHD: USRP Sink block, but it doesn't
>>>> seem to affect. The tuning without DSP correction in the FPGA seems to just
>>>> be sufficient to clean the spectrum.
>>>> Why is that? Do you recommend using something else?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Dor
>>>> Note that only works if the underlying RF PLL has enough "resolution"
>>>> to make that work--particularly in integer-N mode.
>>>> I'm surprised that the DDC/DUC have such significant "close in"
>>>> spurs.    I don't know if there's anyone from the R&D team
>>>>   on here who can authoritatively comment, but this is a bit of a
>>>> surprise.
>>>> ‫בתאריך יום ב׳, 27 בפבר׳ 2023 ב-15:08 מאת ‪Dor Ratz‬‏ <‪
>>>> dorrat...@gmail.com‬‏>:‬
>>>>> Hi Marcus,
>>>>> Can I pass the desired center frequency with a PMT message?
>>>>> I want to dynamically change the transmitted center frequency of UHD:
>>>>> USRP Sink block.
>>>>> So static frequency in the block is not sufficient.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Dor
>>>>> ‫בתאריך יום ב׳, 27 בפבר׳ 2023 ב-13:44 מאת ‪Marcus Müller‬‏ <‪
>>>>> marcus.muel...@ettus.com‬‏>:‬
>>>>>> Hi Dor,
>>>>>> >  1. How to change the to integer_n tuning? Should I just type
>>>>>> "mode_n=integer" in the
>>>>>> >     Device Address parameter of the UHD: USRP Sink block in the grc?
>>>>>> yes. Or, better, instead of just tuning to the target frequency, you
>>>>>> can pass a
>>>>>> uhd.tune_request_t to uhd_usrp_{sink,source}.set_center_frequency,
>>>>>> like this:
>>>>>> my_uhd_block.set_center_frequency(uhd.tune_request_t(
>>>>>>                target_freq = 2.4e9,
>>>>>>                args="mode_n=integer"))
>>>>>> (you can also use a uhd.tune_request_t in the RF frequency fields of
>>>>>> the GRC block)
>>>>>> Note that you're probably best off using tune_request_t anyway, as it
>>>>>> allows you to tune
>>>>>> your LO far away from your band of interest, given the analog
>>>>>> bandwidth allows for that,
>>>>>> using `target_freq=` and `rf_freq` or `dsp_freq`.
>>>>>> For more information on tuning, see the UHD manual [1]
>>>>>> >  2. How to know for sure what the mode(integer of fractional) of
>>>>>> the NCO is? Can I print
>>>>>> >     its status/get it somehow?
>>>>>> looking at the UHD source code: the routines responsible for tuning
>>>>>> just themselves check
>>>>>> for "mode_n" being set to "integer" in the device or tune request
>>>>>> arguments.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>> [1] https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_general.html#general_tuning
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