On 06/03/2023 17:13, Dor Ratz wrote:
Thanks a lot.
_Several questions after thinking about it:_
1. Do you mean R&D of Ettus or GNURadio? Can you address me to the
relevant email address?
This thread really belongs on the usrp-users mailing list now, rather
than discuss-gnuradio, i have copied usrp-users, and
removed discuss-gnuradio.
2. Let me see if I get it right for USRP X310 with UBX-160:
* Motherboard clock = MCR =master_clock_rate = main clock rate =
default value is 200MHz. The 10MHz REFCLK is used to set it.
* Daughterboard Clock Rate in Hz = dboard_clock_rate = default value
is 50MHz, need to change it to 20MHz for center frequencies under
1GHz do decrease spurs.
This is actually the clock that the motherboard injects into the
daughterboard , i.e it is the reference clock of the MAX2871 PLL
which is on the daughterboard.
* According to this link
if I set "mode_n=integer","int_n_step=100e3", in Device Address
parameter in USRP Sink block, then the frequency resolution on the
PLL is:
frequency resolution [Hz] = int_n_step [Hz] = dboard_clock_rate
[Hz] / (R divider [-])
For example:
100e3 [Hz] = 50e6 [Hz] / 500
So ->*the frequency resolution of the PLL is set by the
"int_n_step" parameter* -> it calculates the R divider [-] in the
PLL relating to dboard_clock_rate and desired int_n__step.
I guess that the result must be in the range of allowed PLL's R
divider values from 1 to 1023.
3. Do I must set the "int_n_step" parameter as follows?
4. Does the frequency resolution range from 50MHz when R divider=
1[-] up to 0.05[MHz] when R divider = 1000[-] ?
Referring to this sentence in max2871 PLL datasheet
""The minimum R counter divide ratio is 1, and the maximum divide
ratio is 1023"
5. Where can I find the relevant source code? I've looked here
<https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd> but I'm not sure where the
daughterboard code/relevant code is.
בתאריך יום ב׳, 6 במרץ 2023 ב-19:10 מאת Marcus D. Leech
On 06/03/2023 08:54, Dor Ratz wrote:
Hey Marcus,
Thanks a lot.
I'm using external 10 MHz reference clock (REFCLK) with 1e-12[Hz]
frequency resolution -> it feeds my PLL in the UBX-160
daughterboard in the X310 USRP.
The REFCLCK input to the X310 is used to control the
master-clock(s) on the motherboard, which, in turn produce clocks for
the daughtercards--but the daughtercards never see your external
clock directly.
So, *when defining "mode_n=integer"* in the Device Address
parameter of the UHD: USRP Sink block in GNURadio to set PLL in
integer-N mode, *what is exactly R-DIVIDER= reference divider of
the PLL*?
I've looked in the PLL (max2871) datasheet:
According to it:
"The minimum R counter divide ratio is 1, and the maximum divide
ratio is 1023"
I understand that if for example, the R counter=(R-DIVIDER)=1000
-> the frequency resolution is 10MHz/1000 = 0.01MHz= 10KHz, correct?
But I don't know what is the R-DIVIDER chosen in the PLL with the
settings in gnuradio.
You'd have to go looking through the source code. Unless someone
from R&D happens to know off the top of their heads.
10 years ago, I kept all of this in my head--when there were FAR
fewer products to keep track of and the codebase was
more modest.
בתאריך יום ה׳, 2 במרץ 2023 ב-21:55 מאת Marcus D. Leech
On 02/03/2023 13:09, Dor Ratz wrote:
Do you know how to assess the RF PLL resolution in integer-N
I've looked in ANALOG max2871 PLL datasheet - not sure I
found the answer there.
The Ettus team is CC here too - it will be helpful to know
what you suggest.
It will depend on the REFCLK that is being used by that board
(I do not happen to know off the top of my head), and by
whatever flexibility in reference divider the PLL has.
In an Integer-N PLL (and you can spend quite a bit of time
learning how PLL synthesizers work online), the "step size" is
dependent on the REFCLK, which itself may have a divider on
it. So, let's say your REFCLK is 10MHz and there's a divider
that can divide the reference clock by up to 10000, then
your minimum step size is 1kHz. This is in tension with the
fact that having a high ratio between the desired frequency
and the reference frequency tends to create signal-quality
like, as I recall, phase noise. But I'd research the
datasheet and the overall concept of PLL synthesis.
My recollection on the X310 is that the reference-clock
frequency is 100MHz, but that's just a hazy memory.
בתאריך יום ד׳, 1 במרץ 2023 ב-21:10 מאת Marcus D. Leech
On 01/03/2023 13:14, Dor Ratz wrote:
Hey Marcus, How are you?
Not sure if you got my email.
Do you know anyway I can change transmitted frequency
using PMT message when doing your solution?
In addition, something that seemed to help me:
I used this:
In the USRP Sinc block, in center frequency parameter,
I've put this:
uhd.tune_request(target_freq=1003e6, dsp_freq=0,
With this, the transmitted 1003MHz signal is cleaner
and the spur is now further away at 16KHz offset with
amplitude of 60dBc below the signal.
This alone cleans the spectrum!
In addition, I type "mode_n=integer" in the
Device Address parameter of the UHD: USRP Sink block,
but it doesn't seem to affect. The tuning without DSP
correction in the FPGA seems to just be sufficient to
clean the spectrum.
Why is that? Do you recommend using something else?
Note that only works if the underlying RF PLL has enough
"resolution" to make that work--particularly in
integer-N mode.
I'm surprised that the DDC/DUC have such significant
"close in" spurs. I don't know if there's anyone from
the R&D team
on here who can authoritatively comment, but this is a
bit of a surprise.
בתאריך יום ב׳, 27 בפבר׳ 2023 ב-15:08 מאת Dor Ratz
Hi Marcus,
Can I pass the desired center frequency with a PMT
I want to dynamically change the transmitted center
frequency of UHD: USRP Sink block.
So static frequency in the block is not sufficient.
בתאריך יום ב׳, 27 בפבר׳ 2023 ב-13:44 מאת Marcus
Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com>:
Hi Dor,
> 1. How to change the to integer_n tuning?
Should I just type "mode_n=integer" in the
> Device Address parameter of the UHD: USRP
Sink block in the grc?
yes. Or, better, instead of just tuning to the
target frequency, you can pass a
uhd.tune_request_t to
like this:
target_freq = 2.4e9,
(you can also use a uhd.tune_request_t in the
RF frequency fields of the GRC block)
Note that you're probably best off using
tune_request_t anyway, as it allows you to tune
your LO far away from your band of interest,
given the analog bandwidth allows for that,
using `target_freq=` and `rf_freq` or `dsp_freq`.
For more information on tuning, see the UHD
manual [1]
> 2. How to know for sure what the
mode(integer of fractional) of the NCO is? Can
I print
> its status/get it somehow?
looking at the UHD source code: the routines
responsible for tuning just themselves check
for "mode_n" being set to "integer" in the
device or tune request arguments.
Best regards,
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