On 04/01/2023 14:27, Pedro Pereira wrote:
it seems likely that you could port UHD to the Linux ARM CPU on
the ZCU102, and then you could talk to either the N210 or N310 via
the network ports from your ZCU102.
As I said, I have an SW-only version of my receiver running on the
ZCU102 and communicating with the USRP successfully. But the problem
is I get the samples from the application level.
In the Hybrid version of my receiver, I don't want to receive samples
at the application level. As I said, I want to read directly in my
hardware block design, in the ZCU102.
Ah, now it is becoming clearer. You effectively want to implement what
UHD does, but in FPGA code on your ZCU102.
There's no *simple* path to doing that. Certainly not a use-case that
Ettus/NI have contemplated, and it's only marginally-likely
that anyone on this list has done so.
If you're asking "can I make my ZCU102 acquire samples from
either N310 or N210?" -- given that your ZCU102 has some SFP+
ports that could be configured for 1GiGe (or even 10GiGe in
the case of N310) -- it seems likely that you could port UHD to
the Linux ARM CPU on the ZCU102, and then you could talk to
either the N210 or N310 via the network ports from your ZCU102.
On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 at 15:15, Marcus Müller
<marcus.muel...@ettus.com> wrote:
Note that the N310's FPGA might actually be large enough
to fit in (parts of) a GNSS receiver, especially if you
remove the DUC chain of the TX path, in case you don't
need that. RFNoC is Ettus' framework for extending the
FPGA functionality, especially made for such use cases.
Note that even in RFNoC you get a stream of samples from
the radio frontend, which you basically paid NI/Ettus for
to design it for you, so that you don't have to worry
about how to talk to the physical hardware and can care
about signal processing :)
On 03.01.23 16:11, Marcus Müller wrote:
Hi Mr Pereira,
the directest access you get to samples in the N210 is
the ethernet connection – and that has no downside for
GNSS applications, as the VITA49 samples fully represent
the RF signal, thanks to Shannon-Nyquist.
That is, of course, unless you start modifying the FPGA
image of the N210, and make it a completely different
product. It's kind of unlikely you want to do that.
On 03.01.23 14:25, Pedro Pereira wrote:
I have 2 USRP front-ends - N210 and N310. I want to
develop a GNSS Receiver inside my FGPA - xilinx ZCU102
- and use one of the USRP devices only as the
front-end. The receiver is quite large so I need an
external board for all the signal processing chain. The
receiver has two implementations - software-only &
hybrid. In hybrid mode some tasks of the processing
chain are accelerated in hardware.
The software-only version of the receiver running on my
ZCU102 is able to configure the N210 and read packets
over ethernet correctly. However, with the hybrid
version of the receiver, I want to read the digital IQ
samples from the front end directly in hardware.
For example, I am able to do this with the ZCU102
connected to FMComm2/3 using the FMC connection on the
FPGA. AD provides HDL reference designs to support
communication between multiple front-ends and multiple
Is there a similar way to read the digital samples
directly in hardware using the N210? The N210 only has
the ethernet and a MIMO port.
Thanks in advance.
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