Hi All,

I've got an IP core that is causing an "ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW" when used in
an RFNoC project.

The core responds correctly when simulated outside the RFNoC environment.
(I can see correct output, the AXI streaming signalling, back-pressure when
required, etc.)

I'm not sure how to go about debugging this, and am not yet familiar enough
with RFNoC to know what to ask.

I have been thinking it was the core not being reset or clocked correctly,
but this is how it gets instantiated:

  multiddc multiddc_i (
    //   - Using different clocks for the IP core and the AXI interface.
The IPCore_Clk and AXILite_ACLK must be
    //     synchronous and connected to the same clock source. The
IPCore_RESETN and AXILite_ARESETN must be
    //     connected to the same reset source. See Synchronization of
Global Reset Signal to IP Core Clock Domain.
    .IPCORE_CLK                (axis_data_clk),
    .IPCORE_RESETN             (~axis_data_rst),

    .AXI4_Lite_ACLK            (axis_data_clk),
    .AXI4_Lite_ARESETN         (~axis_data_rst),

The core YAML file describes the clock as:

  fpga_iface: axis_chdr
  clk_domain: ce

In the project YAML file:

    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: radio, dstblk: radio0,    dstport: radio
    - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: ce,    dstblk: multiddc0, dstport: ce }

Is there something that might be an obvious first place to check?

Many thanks, Kevin

Kevin Williams
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