Correction, the point at which the images go away is ~ 900 MHz.  Below is a
link to a video where I sweep from ~ 40 MHz up to 2.4 GHz.  Note that the
images are only present in the beginning.  The X310 is cabled directly to
my spec-an with no additional attenuation.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 6:33 PM Dave NotTelling <> wrote:

> Marcus,
>      I figured out the flash issue!  It was related to the power switch
> issue.  There are four screws that go into the top and bottom of the front
> panel of the chassis.  Two from the bottom, two from the top.  One of the
> screws in the bottom was either too long, or not supposed to be there.  The
> one closest to the power switch was actually pushing on the bottom of the
> board.  Removing that screw released pressure on the switch, freeing it up
> to work normally.  Once that was fixed, the device had no problem reading
> its flash.  Dunno what was happening, and why it didn't cause other issues,
> but now the radio powers on with no issue and all interfaces come up after
> a second or two :D
>      The issue of the daughtercards is a little more troublesome.  I
> hooked one of them up to a spec-an and set it to TX a tone that I could
> move around from GNU Radio.  What I found was that below ~1.2 GHz I get
> images of the tone all through the radio's bandwidth.  Above 1.2 GHz and
> things look as expected (just the one tone).  I was also noticing that the
> 90-100 MHz range (FM radio here in the US) was getting overlapped with what
> appeared to be TV or cell signals.  Those should in no way be in the 100
> MHz region where I am.  Tuning the radio around showed that I was seeing
> loads of signals from much higher frequencies aliasing in.  So, for fun I
> attached a 100 MHz low pass I got from an Analog Devices class, and that
> knocked out the images I was seeing in the FM band.  But, now moving down
> to ~ 50 MHz I was seeing images of the FM radio band.  My assumption here
> is that the filters on the daughterboards are hosed.  Perhaps somebody fed
> in a really strong signal and destroyed them?  Are there two sets of
> filters on the WBX?  One for below 1.2 GHz and one for above?  That would
> help explain why my TX tests work > 1.2 GHz.  Would the 100 MHz low pass
> filter test prove that the mainboard isn't the issue?  My fear previously
> was that the ADC's and/or DAC's were broken.  Not sure if that's still a
> possibility.  If it is, can you suggest tests I could run using a spec-an
> and attenuators/terminators?
> Thanks for the help!
> -Dave
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:53 AM Dave NotTelling <>
> wrote:
>> Marcus,
>>      Thanks for the link!  I didn't have any terminators on hand over the
>> weekend, but will try that today.  Appreciate the suggestion!
>> -Dave
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:51 AM Marcus D. Leech <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2022-08-15 10:47, Dave NotTelling wrote:
>>> Marcus,
>>>      It was crazy cheap (~$650), and reflashing on power up isn't hard
>>> :)  It's a fun toy for learning about RFNoC and just FPGA fun in general.
>>> Came with two 40 MHz WBX boards.  Is there a part number for the flash?  Is
>>> it something that can be popped off with a hot air gun?  I think it did
>>> come up on its own once.  Curious if it just needs to be reflowed.
>>> The schematics are here:
>>>      It does seem to have a working EEPROM since I can change the IP
>>> address.
>>>      I also noticed that both WBX boards have nasty spur looking tones
>>> for several hundred MHz in the lower range of the WBX.  Is it possible that
>>> there are issues on the motherboard that could cause those issues?  I have
>>> a proper power supply arriving today to replace the ATX computer supply I
>>> have been testing with (12 Volt)
>>> Could very well be clock issues or other things in the standard
>>> daughtercard interface that are unexpectedly noisy.
>>> Do they go away if you terminate the inputs?
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Dave
>>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:41 AM Marcus D. Leech <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On 2022-08-15 10:34, Dave NotTelling wrote:
>>>> > Apologies if this is a repost.  I don't think my original message
>>>> made
>>>> > it to the list for some reason.
>>>> >
>>>> > I recently got my hands on a used x310.  It seems to work well, but
>>>> > for some reason will not boot on its own.  Vivado hardware manager
>>>> > shows the device as not being programmed, and the network interfaces
>>>> > don't come up (no lights on the SFPs). If I reflash the device with
>>>> > Vivado it will come up and work as expected.  Is there a way to test
>>>> > the flash chip to see if it's alive?  Running uhd_image_loader seems
>>>> > to work fine, but the device still will not come up automatically.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks!
>>>> >
>>>> > -Dave
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> This does sound like a FLASH issue.  I hope you didn't pay that much
>>>> for
>>>> it...
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