It's a limitation of the FPGA interface to the RFIC. It doesn't support the
tight setup/hold requirements for operation at the higher clock clock rate
required for 2 x 61.44 Msps.


On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 2:38 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:

> Hi Wade,
> I, too, thought that the E320 could run both channels at the higher rate.
> My understanding was that the E320 implemented the RFIC LVDS mode rather
> than the TTL mode (or something like that) such that the 2x30.72 limitation
> of the B210/E310 was removed to allow 2x61.44.  Is the limitation due to
> the RFIC itself or in the way in which Ettus is using it?
> Rob
> On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 2:24 PM Wade Fife <> wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> I'm sorry for the confusion. The maximum rate for E320 is 61.44 Msps, so
>> when you do dual channel, the maximum rate per channel is 30.72 Msps. You
>> can do 61.44 Msps with a single channel. The fact that you don't see an
>> error message when setting it too high is a known issue.
>> Wade
>> On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 8:54 AM Marcus D. Leech <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2022-05-04 08:43, Martin wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > I have data corruption problems with high speed dual channel capturing
>>> > on USRP E320 over 10 gbit ethernet.
>>> >
>>> > Medium rate, dual channel,  everything seems fine.
>>> > High speed, single channel, everything also seems fine.
>>> > High speed, dual channel capturing. Problems. High amount of random
>>> > high values in datastream even with low gain and low signal level)
>>> >
>>> > I do not seem to get U or O (Underrun, Overrun) errors
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I was under the impression that with E320 you should be able to
>>> > capture dual channel 56 Msps signals. If that is not feasable then we
>>> > have a serious problem.
>>> > I also do not see any error messages.
>>> > We tested on two different E320ś on two different host-PC's. Same
>>> result.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Do you also have these problems?
>>> >
>>> > Do you have tips on how to solve or check what the issue is?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks in advance.
>>> >
>>> > Please see below for details
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > When captured with uhd_rx_cfile or our own capture scripts.
>>> > The output data shows random very high, usualle even full scale values
>>> > even if the input signal is small and gain low.
>>> > With int 16 output values are between 32768 and -32767. With complex
>>> > float from -1.0 to 1.0
>>> >
>>> > The capture is done from a host-pc using the E320 as remote capture
>>> > device over 10 Gbit ethernet.
>>> >
>>> > The USRP E320 is running UHD
>>> > root@ni-e320-321D09C:~# uhd_config_info --version
>>> > UHD
>>> >
>>> > The host pc is also running uhd_4.0.0.0:
>>> > nldudok1@noisegate:~$ uhd_config_info --version
>>> > UHD
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > dual channel high speed test with complex int16 (complex short)
>>> > wrong values in both channels. Whatever the gain. values go from
>>> > -32767 to 32768
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -c 0,1 -g 44.0 -r 56e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 56e6 -s tmp_cshort_56M_g44.raw
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -c 0,1 -g  0.0 -r 56e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 56e6 -s tmp_cshort_56M_g0.raw
>>> >
>>> > Same result with complex float32 output, values fo from -1.0 to +1.0
>>> > whaterver the gain.
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -c 0,1 -g 44.0 -r 56e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 56e6 tmp_cfloat_56M_g44.raw
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -c 0,1 -g  0.0 -r 56e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 56e6 tmp_cfloat_56M_g0.raw
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Same test at medium datarate. Values are OK. complex float or complex
>>> > short output. Note
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=16e6 -c 0,1 -g 44.0 -r 16e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 16e6 -s tmp_cshort_16M.raw
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=16e6 -c 0,1 -g 44.0 -r 16e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 16e6 tmp_cfloat_16M.raw
>>> >
>>> > Single channel test at high rate also seems OK with eather complex
>>> > int16 or complex float32 output values.
>>> > Note that with complex float output the same writespeed  to the ssd is
>>> > needed as with dual channel and complex int16 output. So it does not
>>> > seem to be a slow disk issue. Would also not be very likely since we
>>> > are storing only 1 second of data which should fit in linux disk write
>>> > buffer.
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -g 44.0 -r 56e6  -f 105.0e6 -N
>>> > 56e6 -s tmp_cshort_56M_g44_single.raw
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -g 44.0 -r 56e6  -f 105.0e6 -N
>>> > 56e6 tmp_cfloat_56M_g44_single.raw
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > You can look at complex float output data with gr-plot_iq and
>>> gr_plot_fft
>>> > complex short data can be converted to complex float with our own
>>> > little conversion script.
>>> > -i inputfilename.raw -o outputfilename.raw
>>> > (I can send the conversion script if you need it. It is just a file
>>> > source, interleaved short to complex block and file sink)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Example:
>>> > uhd_rx_cfile -a master_clock_rate=56e6 -c 0,1 -g  0.0 -r 56e6  -f
>>> > 105.0e6 -N 56e6 -s tmp_cshort_56M_g0.raw
>>> > #first channel
>>> > -i tmp_cshort_56M_g0.0.raw -o
>>> > tmp_cshort_56M_g0_converted_to_cfloat.0.raw
>>> > #second channel
>>> > -i tmp_cshort_56M_g0.1.raw -o
>>> > tmp_cshort_56M_g0_converted_to_cfloat.1.raw
>>> >
>>> > #show data
>>> > gr-plot_iq -R 56e6 tmp_cshort_56M_g0_converted_to_cfloat.0.raw
>>> > gr-plot_iq -R 56e6 tmp_cshort_56M_g0_converted_to_cfloat.1.raw
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> >
>>> > Martin Dudok van Heel
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> >
>>> Martin:
>>> I've forwarded your note to Ettus R&D.
>>> But in the meantime, are you running the latest UHD?
>>> What happens if you reduce the sample rate "a little" -- like down to
>>> 52Msps?
>>> I know that on other platforms that use the AD9361 (as the E320 does)
>>> that the maximum supported rate for dual-channel is 32Msps, but that may
>>> just be because of the
>>>    type of clocking+data interface used on those platforms--the AD9361
>>> supports a couple of different interface regimes...
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