Hi David,

I'm not super familiar with the software, but get_tick_rate() returning 0
might be because something's not implemented in the block controller
software. You could look at some other blocks to see how that's handled
(maybe the DDC/DUC). But I would expect get_tick_rate() to return the
sample rate, which isn't the same as the rfnoc_chdr_clk rate.

The way we typically track time in an RFNoC block is by counting samples.
Each sample corresponds to one master clock tick (or a ratio of that if
there's a DDC/DUC). We aren't usually very concerned with the absolute
time, we usually care about the time to which a sample corresponds, which
you can get from the timestamp in the packet and the sample count.

If you need the absolute time, you can connect the radio time to your
block. Just keep in mind that crossing the radio time to the rfnoc_chdr_clk
requires a clock crossing, with special logic to handle that and a bit of
added delay. The rfnoc_chdr_clk can drift relative to the master clock over
time, so we don't usually use it for tracking time.

There is a BUS_CLK_RATE register on the FPGA that has this information, but
I don't see it exposed anywhere in the API. So, as it is now, it might be
easier to just do a lookup based on the type of USRP. I don't know if
there's an easy way to get to that register.


On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:57 AM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 2022-04-27 09:53, David Raeman wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to programmatically determine the "rfnoc_chdr_clk" rate
> from a UHD application? More specifically, I have a custom RFNoC block
> clocked from rfnoc_chdr_clk, and I’d like to programmatically determine its
> clock rate from the associated custom software driver so I can convert tick
> rate to physical units of time. I know it varies by radio model [1], and
> I’d like the driver code to be portable across a few models.
> I’ve poked around quite a bit in the docs and code, and I haven’t found an
> obvious solution in UHD 4. I guess I could dump it into a register within
> my RFNoC block, but I wanted to make sure I’m not missing something in the
> existing framework. Calling get_tick_rate() on the block control object
> just returns 0.
> Thanks!
> David
> [1]
> https://kb.ettus.com/RFNoC_Frequently_Asked_Questions#What_are_the_clock_frequencies.3F
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> Hmmm.  The docs do suggest that "get_tick_rate()" on the *block* object
> should work, since it exists in the block base class.  I'm not an RFNOC
> programmer, so just
>   guessing...
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