On 2022-04-27 09:53, David Raeman wrote:

Hi all,

Is it possible to programmatically determine the "rfnoc_chdr_clk" rate from a UHD application? More specifically, I have a custom RFNoC block clocked from rfnoc_chdr_clk, and I’d like to programmatically determine its clock rate from the associated custom software driver so I can convert tick rate to physical units of time. I know it varies by radio model [1], and I’d like the driver code to be portable across a few models.

I’ve poked around quite a bit in the docs and code, and I haven’t found an obvious solution in UHD 4. I guess I could dump it into a register within my RFNoC block, but I wanted to make sure I’m not missing something in the existing framework. Calling get_tick_rate() on the block control object just returns 0.



[1] https://kb.ettus.com/RFNoC_Frequently_Asked_Questions#What_are_the_clock_frequencies.3F

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Hmmm.  The docs do suggest that "get_tick_rate()" on the *block* object should work, since it exists in the block base class.  I'm not an RFNOC programmer, so just

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