Hi Lautaro, The clocks section lists the clock ports you want to have on a block. The rfnoc_chdr and rfnoc_ctrl clocks are required for all blocks. In the block's YAML, they must be provided in the list of clocks (see other blocks for example in https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/tree/master/host/include/uhd/rfnoc/blocks). In the device YAML (for example e310_rfnoc_image_core.yml), they are connected automatically to every block, so you don't need to specify them when connecting blocks unless you also want to use one of them for a different clock input. For example, you might want to drive the ce input of a block with rfnoc_chdr clock. The freq parameters aren't used currently, but it's intended to specify the frequency range of a clock.
I'm not familiar with the fosphor GRC code. As far as I know this hasn't been updated for E31x and UHD 4. Wade On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 7:07 AM Lautaro Lorenzen <lorenzen.laut...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I'm trying to implement the Fosphor example on an Ettus E312, but I've > come across some things that are unclear to me. I'm just starting to > develop with RFNoC, and I've read the manual, cross compiled everything for > the Ettus, etc. > > As I understand (and it was mentioned in the mailing list a time ago), > this [1] guide is not up to date, as the "uhd_image_builder_gui.py" is no > longer available for UHD 4.0. I'm now going through [2], and I've two main > questions: > > I. When I'm trying to make my own YAML file, I'm not sure if every block > needs to be connected to the rfnoc_chdr clock. What would be the way to > know for sure? I've been looking the YAML block descriptions but I couldn't > figure what exactly this "...clocks: - name: rfnoc_chdr freq: "[]" - > name: rfnoc_ctrl freq: "[]" - name: ce freq: "[]"... " means. > > II. Lastly, I couldn't find the "rfnoc_fosphor_network_host/usrp.grc" > examples on this version. Is there any new place where I can find them or > should I create my own .grc? I'm trying to work with examples for now to > use as a reference in the early stages of my development. > > > [1]. > https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E3xx_USRP_-_Building_RFNoC_UHD_/_GNU_Radio_/_gr-ettus_from_Source > [2]. https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_in_UHD_4.0 > > > > Thank you very much for your time. > Regards, > Lautaro. > _______________________________________________ > USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com > To unsubscribe send an email to usrp-users-le...@lists.ettus.com >
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