Hello everyone, I'm trying to implement the Fosphor example on an Ettus E312, but I've come across some things that are unclear to me. I'm just starting to develop with RFNoC, and I've read the manual, cross compiled everything for the Ettus, etc.
As I understand (and it was mentioned in the mailing list a time ago), this [1] guide is not up to date, as the "uhd_image_builder_gui.py" is no longer available for UHD 4.0. I'm now going through [2], and I've two main questions: I. When I'm trying to make my own YAML file, I'm not sure if every block needs to be connected to the rfnoc_chdr clock. What would be the way to know for sure? I've been looking the YAML block descriptions but I couldn't figure what exactly this "...clocks: - name: rfnoc_chdr freq: "[]" - name: rfnoc_ctrl freq: "[]" - name: ce freq: "[]"... " means. II. Lastly, I couldn't find the "rfnoc_fosphor_network_host/usrp.grc" examples on this version. Is there any new place where I can find them or should I create my own .grc? I'm trying to work with examples for now to use as a reference in the early stages of my development. [1]. https://kb.ettus.com/Software_Development_on_the_E3xx_USRP_-_Building_RFNoC_UHD_/_GNU_Radio_/_gr-ettus_from_Source [2]. https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_in_UHD_4.0 Thank you very much for your time. Regards, Lautaro.
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