Ok thanks. In my haste I was mistaken in assuming that the LO gain would track 
with the RF output gain. Silly mistake. I’m still getting used to separating 
out the LO. 

I can put this on a SpectrumAnalyzer (with an attenuator in line) on Monday.

I’m trying to take channel to channel phase measurements to determine what 
level of phase control I can have over one channel.

It’s not critical that I use GNURadio but it seemed like the logical option as 
it’s very easy to make those adjustments.

I will look at the python API and see if the commands Rob was talking about can 
be invoked using Python  instead of writing a C++ application.
Then I’ll see if that is included in gr-uhd. If not, I can submit a pull 
request with any changes.

I’ll ping the gnuradio chat later tonight.

Thanks for the help guys are in
<end transmission>

> On Jan 14, 2022, at 17:43, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2022-01-14 17:35, Paul Atreides wrote:
>> Using a B210 at f_c of the N321. TX LO OUT0 is plugged into RX2 of the  B210
> You might want to put an attenuator inline, since the LO output is a couple 
> of dBm, which is
>   "loud as a heavy metal concert" from the perspective of a receiver input.
> If the splitter isn't enabled in this test, then what you're seeing is the 
> leakage through the RF
>   switch that enables the splitter, which means that once the splitter is 
> turned on, the
>   signal will be even louder...
>> On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 5:32 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 2022-01-14 17:30, Rob Kossler wrote:
>>>> These thare the UHD commands. I don't know how these translate to gnuradio.
>>>> % set both LO sources to use external
>>>> set_tx_lo_source(“external”, “lo1”, 0)
>>>> set_tx_lo_source(“external”, “lo1”, 1)
>>>> % export the internal LO to the 1:4 splitter
>>>> set_tx_lo_export_enabled(true, “lo1”, 0)
>>>> % enable the 1:4 splitter output port
>>>> get_device()->get_tree()->access<bool>("mboards/0/dboards/A/tx_frontends/0/los/lo1/lo_distribution/LO_OUT_0/export").set(true)
>>> I don't think the current GR code has support for controlling the splitter, 
>>> so a "code snippet" would likely be required.
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