Hi, thanks for the detailed explanation.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021, 08:38 Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com> wrote:

> Hello!
>  > I want to know if I can use N200 with UBX160
> Sadly, no. The N200 needs an anti-alias filter of at most 50 MHz bandwidth
> (one-sided) for
> effectively alias-free operation, and a UBX160 has 80 MHz.
>  > My goal is to run the N200 at 100Msps to receive 100MHz bandwidth of
> signal.
> That is impossible. The N200 has a master clock rate of 100 MHz, that is
> true, but it's
> impossible to get that amount of data out of the N200 (the Ethernet is
> much too slow for
> it, and there's no significant memory on the N200 to store it).
>  > Which means that UBX40 is not the right choice.
> More importantly, the N200 is not the right choice!
>  > I don't see the UBX160 on the recommended compatible products of N
> series devices
> Correct!
>  > But I've found out the datasheet of UBX160 specified that UBX160 is
> compatible with
> both X and N series.
> Oh, that is indeed an error in the datasheet! Thank you for pointing this
> out to us!
>  > So, will this combination work?
> No; if you want 100 MHz bandwidth, you will need a X300/X310 with a
> UBX160, or a USRP
> N300/N310/N320/N321 or X400 alone. I'd personally go for X300+UBX160,
> which is probably
> the most cost-effective solution.
> Best regards,
> Marcus Müller
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> On 03.12.21 08:34, 翁偉吾 wrote:
> > Hi, I want to know if I can use N200 with UBX160. My goal is to run the
> N200 at 100Msps
> > to receive 100MHz bandwidth of signal.  Which means that UBX40 is not
> the right choice.
> > I don't see the UBX160 on the recommended compatible products of N
> series devices. But
> > I've found out the datasheet of UBX160 specified that  UBX160 is
> compatible with both X
> > and N series. So, will this combination work? Is there going to be some
> aliasing issue?
> >
> >
> >
> >
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