It depends on the exact parameters of the signal you're transmitting, especially PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio). Here are some spectrum analyzer plots for a wideband digital signal. The B210 gains are set to 78, 83 and 85. Note that a 2 dB increase from 83 to 85 causes a 10 dB increase in IMD.

If you're serious about pre-distortion, a spectrum analyzer is highly recommended.


gain = 78


gain = 83


gain = 85


On 10/19/21 2:09 AM, fan wrote:
Hi,everyone.I am trying to study how to pre distort the signal on b210 to eliminate the error of nonlinear PA. Before that, I need to determine: does the TX PA of b210 have nonlinear characteristics (when TX gain is too high, the signal amplitude will be limited below 1. Is this becausof its nonlinearity)? If yes, what value is the TX gain set to when TX PA is nonlinear? How do I get the output value of PA? (connect TX port and Rx port with a SMA cable and observe the input of RX?)

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