Hi fan,

In 2020, Alekh Gupta wrote a predistortion module for exactly that purpose.


Your questions regarding gain make no sense, because the whole point of 
nonlinearity is
that you can't represent it as a single gain number, so you might need to read 
up on the
theory a bit more!

All the questions you're asking about "how do I do it" are answered in Week 1 
to 13 of
Alekh's blog:


Best regards,

On 19.10.21 11:09, fan wrote:
> Hi,everyone.I am trying to study how to pre distort the signal on b210 to 
> eliminate the
> error of nonlinear PA. Before that, I need to determine: does the TX PA of 
> b210 have
> nonlinear characteristics (when TX gain is too high, the signal amplitude 
> will be
> limited below 1. Is this becausof its nonlinearity)? If yes, what value is 
> the TX gain
> set to when TX PA is nonlinear? How do I get the output value of PA? (connect 
> TX port
> and Rx port with a SMA cable and observe the input of RX?)
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