On 2021-10-04 6:13 a.m., rouba zeitoun wrote:
Dear USRP users

I have been working on USRP B210. However, every time I try to put the following comment "uhd_usrp_probe" I face this message "fx3 is in state 5".

Even when I try to use gnuradio for transmitting files to another SDR device I faceD the same problem.

I would really appreciate your advice on a solution or the reason for such a problem.

Thank you.

Are you running the B210 with an external power supply, or powered from the USB bus?  Is it plugged in to a USB2.0 port or a USB3.0 port?

Are you using the standard firmware or custom firmware?

Are you using the supplied USB cable or a different one?

How old is this device?

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