i think i found the answer myself... just needed to remake and reinstall
uhd/host as that was outdated...


On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 8:45 AM Dario Pennisi <da...@iptronix.com> wrote:

> Hi Wade,
> thank you for the response. i was actually able to spot the issue... the
> IP version doesn't match the one in the vivado version i have so it
> wouldn't compile. i fixed it by manually upgrading the IP and everything
> worked as expected.
> now i'm having another issue trying to compile with OOT IP. similarly to
> what i did for N310 i copied the yml file in my OOT icore dir, ran cmake
> -DUHD_FPGA_DIR=$SRC_DIR/uhd/fpga/ and then ran
> make x410_100_rfnoc_image_core but that is failing with weird errors such
> as these:
> jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: Additional properties are not
> allowed ('image_core_name' was unexpected)
> do you have any hint on what could be the issue here?
> as i mentioned i was able to compile x410 running make from the uhd source
> dir.
> thanks,
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 4:32 AM Wade Fife <wade.f...@ettus.com> wrote:
>> You might need to also clear the "build-ip" folder. Can you try running
>> "make cleanall" then try to build it again? I think I saw that error once
>> when I neglected to clean everything. Let me know if that doesn't work.
>> Also, the default X410 images don't actually use that IP, so you can
>> remove it from the build. Edit fpga/usrp3/top/x400/Makefile.inc and delete
>> the three lines that reference "ddr4_64bits" or "DDR4_64BITS", then it
>> should skip that IP in the build.
>> Wade
>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2021 at 1:04 AM Dario Pennisi <da...@iptronix.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i've been trying to compile X410 with no luck. apparently the issue is
>>> with Vivado installation as it's failing the generation of the DDR4 IP
>>> however i made sure i installed the proper version of it, including patches:
>>> * GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
>>> * Python 3.8.10
>>> * Vivado v2019.1.1_AR73068 (64-bit)
>>> my machine is running Ubuntu 20.04.1 and is capable of compiling N310
>>> builds successfully.
>>> UHD version is (25d617cad7db69fa04699df5f93ece06b0a61199)
>>> however this issue was happening since
>>> below a dump of the failing bit:
>>> ========================================================
>>> BUILDER: Building IP ddr4_64bits
>>> ========================================================
>>> BUILDER: Staging IP in build directory...
>>> BUILDER: Reserving IP location:
>>> /home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits
>>> BUILDER: Retargeting IP to part zynquplusRFSOC/xczu28dr/ffvg1517/-1/e...
>>> BUILDER: Building IP...
>>> [00:00:00] Executing command: vivado -mode batch -source
>>> /home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_generate_ip.tcl
>>> -log ddr4_64bits.log -nojournal
>>> WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'ddr4_64bits' is locked:
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [filemgmt 20-1366] Unable to reset target(s) for the
>>> following file is locked:
>>> /home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xci
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [filemgmt 20-1365] Unable to generate target(s) for
>>> the following file is locked:
>>> /home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xci
>>> [00:00:07] Current task: Initialization +++ Current Phase: Starting
>>> [00:00:07] Current task: Initialization +++ Current Phase: Finished
>>> [00:00:07] Executing Tcl: synth_design -top ddr4_64bits -part
>>> xczu28dr-ffvg1517-1-e -mode out_of_context
>>> [00:00:07] Starting Synthesis Command
>>> WARNING: [Vivado_Tcl 4-391] The following IPs are missing output
>>> products for Synthesis target. These output products could be required for
>>> synthesis, please generate the output products using the generate_target or
>>> synth_ip command before running synth_design.
>>> WARNING: [Vivado_Tcl 4-391] The following IPs are missing output
>>> products for Implementation target. These output products could be required
>>> for synthesis, please generate the output products using the
>>> generate_target or synth_ip command before running synth_design.
>>> WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'ddr4_64bits' is locked:
>>> ERROR: [Designutils 20-414] HRTInvokeSpec : No Verilog or VHDL sources
>>> specified
>>> ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please open an
>>> elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before executing this command.
>>> ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please open an
>>> elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before executing this command.
>>> ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please open an
>>> elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before executing this command.
>>> ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please open an
>>> elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before executing this command.
>>> ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please open an
>>> elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before executing this command.
>>> ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please open an
>>> elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before executing this command.
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-4739] Writing uncustomized BOM file
>>> '/home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xml'
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-4739] Writing uncustomized BOM file
>>> '/home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xml'
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-4739] Writing uncustomized BOM file
>>> '/home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xml'
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-4739] Writing uncustomized BOM file
>>> '/home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xml'
>>> CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-4739] Writing uncustomized BOM file
>>> '/home/massimo/workdirs/pdc_demod/work/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/build-ip/xczu28drffvg1517-1e/ddr4_64bits/ddr4_64bits.xml'
>>> ERROR: [Vivado 12-398] No designs are open
>>> [00:00:07] Current task: Synthesis +++ Current Phase: Starting
>>> [00:00:07] Current task: Synthesis +++ Current Phase: Finished
>>> [00:00:07] Process terminated. Status: Failure
>>> ========================================================
>>> Warnings:           4
>>> Critical Warnings:  7
>>> Errors:             8
>>> since it seems the issue is related to locking i tried serveral times
>>> cleaning up the build directory or even making just X410_IP target with no
>>> success.
>>> any hints on what is currently going wrong?
>>> thanks,
>>> Dario Pennisi
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