On 08/09/2021 12:45 PM, rbl...@swri.org wrote:

Ettus documentation suggests the radio can be configured for a 25 MS sampling rate (The master 200M / 8). I’m wondering if it is possible to get the RFNoc RX *Radio block *to do this without the DDC block. Is that possible? Entering anything other than 200M in the “Sample Rate (Hz)” field causes errors.

No. The architecture is that the radio operates at the ADC rate, and in many cases (X310) the ADC rate is mostly fixed (or selectable from
  a small number of discrete values).

The entire role of the DDC is to do both rate conversion and final frequency tuning (because many synthesizers aren't able to tune to
  very-fine frequency increments).

In these Radio blocks, what is the Bandwidth(Hz) entry used for?

The bandwidth setting sets the *ANALOG* bandwidth ahead of the ADC. In many cases, it's "do nothing" because the radio complex-baseband filters
  are fixed, to match the ADC rates.

Is there any reason that you cannot use a Radio block *without* the DDC block, sampling rates aside?

Conceptually, no.  But the DDC exists for very good reasons.

thanks- rb

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