i developed a rfnoc block based on uhd 4.0. this block has two input ports
meant to be connected statically to the two radios and to have a single
output port that is meant to go to the PC.
if i connect the radio0 to in0 and an endpoint to in1 so that i can either
feed data from the PC or from radio1 everything works however if i connect
radio0 to in0 and radio1 to in1 statically gnuradio won't start saying
there's no route to the control port.
I see that the generated verilog file has a control port connection in the
control axi crossbar however for some reason UHD seems not to know how to
reach it.
Is there any possibility to handle the case of connecting everything
statically? i really need to save as many resources as possible in the
final build.

Dario Pennisi
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