Great info and thanks for the use case. Makes sense for the precision you need 
for your situation.
Since really it's just IO, basic driver calls, and instrumentation and your 
specs support all of that (assuming no weird nuances / I say this to cover 
myself ha), your sample methods seems great. 
Given there is no issue with the b-series hardware (I actually can't recall if 
that's in spec for real life use cases but I actually learned something here 
from looking at your charts if it is), it seems you need the higher precision X 
series to get right to work unless there is a whiz-bang solution for realtime 
clock drift corrections at the precision you need for the b-series.
Best of luck! Lots of experience in this forum.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 8:39 AM, Viktor Erdelyi<> 
wrote:   _______________________________________________
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