Hi Michael,

Probably mine problems and your are not exactly the same, but I think
they are related in some way.

Mine, for example, was due an error in the logic inside my block that
caused a deadlock on the (RFNoC) bus.

As far as I can understand the usrp word I think your problem can be
quite similar.

When you receive an overrun error on the host side, as also Rob said,
that means that your block is producing samples at a rate too high for
the host.

When the data_ready from the axi wrapper, that should be an output from
the axi wrapper itself and the should be an input to your logic, goes
low is something like someone is telling you "please stop streaming for
a while because I'm not ready to receive data". What do you do in your
logic when the data_ready signal goes low?

Hope this can help you a little

HaveĀ  good day


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