I am having issues getting data out of a custom block NoC Block (on an X310
using UHD3.15) and I'm not quite sure what would be causing what I'm seeing.
When everything starts up, it seems to work just fine for a bit, but then
output stops. Checking the data bus using an ILA, it appears as though
data_tready from the AXI_Wrapper goes low at some point and just stays


My output is at a different rate than the input, so I've set SIMPLE_MODE=0
for AXI_WRAPPER. I'm fairly sure I'm driving the AMBA bus properly. I'm
setting s_axis_data_tuser as follows:

Bit 127-126 = 00 (data)

Bit 125 = 0 (timestamp not used)

Bit 124 = 0 or 1 (depending upon if end-of-burst or not)

Bit 123-112 = sequence number (monotonically increasing for each packet
starting at 0)

Bit 111-96 = packet length (total number of data bytes + 8 header bytes)

Bit 95-80 = src_sid (from noc_shell)

Bit 79-64 = next_dst_sid (from noc_shell)

Bit 63-0 = 0


What might cause data_tready to remain low? Is there anything else I should
be looking at that might explain this behavior?

Thank you,


Michael H. Rich

Electronic Systems Laboratory

Georgia Tech Research InstituteR

Phone: (404) 407-8358

E-mail:  <mailto:michael.r...@gtri.gatech.edu> michael.r...@gtri.gatech.edu


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