Hi Jonathon,
I am using register pokes (poke32). My block controller reads the I/Q taps
out of a file that is the identical format of an I/Q file that I would use
for streaming to or from the USRP (SC16 such as rx_samples_to_file or
tx_samples_from_file). If streaming using send() or recv() things work
fine.  If sending my taps via register pokes, they end up swapped I/Q. In
both cases, the software is casting a ptr from sc16 to either void or char
in order to send the data to the USRP.

Based on what I'm saying above, it seems that maybe the Intel Endian format
might be the issue.  For send() / recv(), Ettus takes care of the swap, but
for register pokes, I must do so?  Let me know your comments and if you
have any advice on the best way to implement this (perhaps my current
implementation where I manually swap I/Q in the block controller is best?).

On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 12:02 AM Jonathon Pendlum <jonathon.pend...@ettus.com>

> Hey Rob,
> Are you doing register pokes to write to axi_setting_bus or are you using
> an input port? If using an input port, the I/Q format for SC16 versus
> complex short are backwards, which might be the cause of your software only
> issue.
> Jonathon
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 10:04 AM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I developed a custom RFNoC block that implements an FIR filter
>> having complex taps (using 2 instances of Xilinx FIR IP with 2 inputs
>> each).  The taps are reloadable via an AXI bus.  After implementing a
>> successful testbench, I later discovered an issue when running with UHD and
>> the actual image.  The reloaded taps had I/Q swapped.  So, I changed my
>> block controller to perform this swap and now things work.
>> I'm trying to understand if this makes sense or if I have fooled myself.
>> My implementation uses the legacy "axi_settings_reg" to load coefficients
>> on the IPs reload axi input.  The register width is 32 and I use the upper
>> 16 bits as the input to the "real" FIR instance and the lower 16 bits as
>> the input to the "imag" FIR instance.
>> When I run the testbench, I get the expected results without needing to
>> swap real/imag.  When I run with UHD and the built FPGA image, I must swap
>> the real/imag parts in the block controller in order to get the correct
>> results.  I wondered why I did not have to do something similar when
>> streaming I/Q data to my block (or other blocks), but then figured that
>> maybe UHD takes care of such swapping automatically.  Is this true?  If so,
>> am I going about this the right way by swapping I/Q in the block
>> controller?  Why does the testbench work without swapping?
>> Rob
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