Is the j B is over-the-air or direct connection?

What frequency? Bandwidth?

Do you have TX and RX gain turned all the way up?

Can you share your flow-graphs, or minimum
Graphs that show the problem?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 24, 2021, at 12:20 PM, Jerrid Plymale <> 
> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have been running tests in which I am transmitting a signal from one USRP 
> X310 that’s using a UBX 40 daughterboard, and that signal is being received 
> by another USRP X310 using a UBX 40 daughterboard. I have noticed that when I 
> have the receiving USRP running with the Gnuradio flowgraph active, as soon 
> as I start the transmitting USRP’s Gnuradio flowgraph, there is a jump in the 
> noise floor as it is seen by the receiving USRP, and its roughly a 14 dB 
> increase. This occurs even if I have the signal being transmitted muted. Does 
> anyone have any idea what the source of this added noise could be? It is 
> something that I need to mitigate as much as possible for the tests I am 
> running using these USRPs. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
> Best Regards,
> Jerrid
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