Hi Seyed,

the E320 is probably not the device you want: While you attach B210 and X310 to 
a powerful
PC, which would then run OAI on the samples gotten from the USRP, the real 
strength of the
E320 is being an embedded system, especially for people who want to develop 
FPGA logic and
embedded software to run on the Zynq *inside* the E320. As far as I can tell, 
OAI is far
far *far* too CPU-hungry to run it on the 800 MHz dual-core ARM inside the E320.

You can indeed also use the SFP+ to stream samples to a PC, but then just be 
buying a
pretty expensive to the B210 with no added benefits.

Best regards,


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On 12.03.21 15:57, Seyed Samie Mostafavi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We are starting a project and we want to buy a batch of E320s and our goal is 
> to run
> Openaireinterface 5G on them.
> These cellular communication softwares like Openaireinterface and srsLTE they 
> recommend
> USRP devices such as B210 or X310 and not E320. I wanted to ask if anyone has 
> tried E320
> with srsLTE or OAI or not.
> I guess since OAI works with UHD driver and the RF chip is AD9361 like B210, 
> there
> should be no difference. However I am not sure.
> Do you see any major difference in the drivers or capabilities of E320 and 
> B210 or X310
> such that it could become a roadblock for us?
> Best,
> Samie
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kth Logo
> Seyed Samie Mostafavi
> Doctoral Student
> /School of electrical engineering and computer science (EECS)/
> /Department of information systems and engineering (ISE)/
> Malvinas väg 10, 100 44 Stockholm
> ss...@kth.se
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