Glad you solved it! Still, should work with Python3 – GNU Radio 3.8 (and later) 
is Python
3 compatible (with 3.8 being the only release line of GNU Radio to support both 
Py2 and Py3).

However, you're right, your CMake detects and chooses Python 2.7 (it can use 
either), and
if you then try to link against Python 3.x, it would indeed fail.

Best regards,


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On 19.02.21 17:05, wrote:
> Marcus
> I resolved the issue. Apparently, I needed to cross-compile GnuRadio with 
> python2
> instead of python3.
> Dennis
> -----------------------------------------
> From:
> To: "Marcus Müller"
> Cc: ""
> Sent: Friday February 19 2021 9:26:25AM
> Subject: Re: [USRP-users] gr-ettus Cross-Compile "Target 
> 'gnuradio::runtime_swig' not
> found."
> Hi Marcus. Here is the info. I think this is the correct version, but let me 
> know what
> you think.
> labuser@EttusDevel4:~/rfnoc/src/gr-ettus/build-arm$ which cmake
> /home/labuser/rfnoc/oe/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/bin/cmake
> labuser@EttusDevel4:~/rfnoc/src/gr-ettus/build-arm$ cmake --version
> cmake version 3.15.3
> CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
> -----------------------------------------
> From: "Marcus Müller via USRP-users"
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday February 19 2021 9:12:18AM
> Subject: Re: [USRP-users] gr-ettus Cross-Compile "Target 
> 'gnuradio::runtime_swig' not
> found."
> Hi Dennis,
> that's probably not the case here but I've seen similar with installations 
> where older
> CMake with newer CMake libraries were present (or vice versa). What does 
> `cmake
> --version` say?
> Don't have an E310 SDK at hand to check myself, but when you run `which 
> cmake`, is that
> the cmake you want to run, or is there a different one that's in
> /home/labuser/rfnoc/oe/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/bin ?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
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