I have UHD 4.0 and GnuRadio maint-3.8 built for Ubuntu 18.04 host and
cross-compiled for E310. I have also built gr-ettus maint-3.8-uhd4.0
for the host, but when I try to run cmake to setup the cross-compile I
get the error in the subject line.
Here's the cmake command-line and output:
labuser@EttusDevel4:~/rfnoc/src/gr-ettus/build-arm$ cmake
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..-- The CXX compiler identification is
GNU 9.2.0-- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.2.0-- Check for
working CXX compiler:
Check for working CXX compiler:
-- works-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info-- Detecting CXX compiler
ABI info - done-- Detecting CXX compile features-- Detecting CXX
compile features - done-- Check for working C compiler:
Check for working C compiler:
-- works-- Detecting C compiler ABI info-- Detecting C compiler ABI
info - done-- Detecting C compile features-- Detecting C compile
features - done-- Build type not specified: defaulting to release.--
Found LOG4CPP:
Found PkgConfig:
(found version "0.29.2") -- Checking for module 'gmp'-- No package
'gmp' found-- Found GMP:
-- Checking for module 'mpir >= 3.0'-- No package 'mpir' found-- Could
-- Found MPLIB:
-- Found Boost:
(found suitable version "1.71.0", minimum required is "1.71.0") found
components: date_time program_options filesystem system regex thread
unit_test_framework -- Found VOLK: Volk::volk -- Found Git:
/usr/bin/git -- Extracting version information from git describe...--
Found UHD:
(Required is at least version "4.0") -- Found PythonLibs:
(found suitable version "2.7.17", minimum required is "2") -- Found
Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "1.8.13") found components:
doxygen missing components: dot-- PYTHON_EXECUTABLE not set - using
default python3-- Use -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python2 to build
for python2.-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2.7 (found version
"2.7.17") -- Found PythonLibs:
(found suitable exact version "2.7.17") -- Using install prefix:
/usr-- Building for version: / 3.8.0-- No C++ unit tests...
skipping-- User set python executable /usr/bin/python2.7-- -- Checking
for module SWIG-- Found SWIG version 3.0.12.-- Found SWIG:
/usr/bin/swig3.0 -- Found PythonLibs:
(found suitable version "2.7.17", minimum required is "2") -- User set
python executable /usr/bin/python2.7-- Found PythonLibs:
(found suitable exact version "2.7.17") -- User set python executable
/usr/bin/python2.7-- Configuring doneCMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_dependencies): The dependency target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" of
target "_ettus_swig_doc_tag" does not exist.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(GR_SWIG_MAKE_DOCS) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(add_custom_command): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first):
(swig_add_library) swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(target_include_directories): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first): swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

CMake Error at
(target_include_directories): Error evaluating generator expression:
 Target "gnuradio::runtime_swig" not found.Call Stack (most recent
call first): swig/CMakeLists.txt:58 (GR_SWIG_MAKE)

-- Generating doneCMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be
regenerated correctly.

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