Dear Aaron and Rob,

On 22/01/21 14:15, Rob Kossler wrote:
> > On 21/01/21 22:49, Rob Kossler wrote:
> > > Also, regarding building in-tree, are you opposed to building in-tree as 
> > > even
> > > a temporary test case?  It's not too difficult to do.  I am not
> > > talking about the
> > > FPGA code - just the block controller HPP / CPP.
> >
> > I am not, especially as a temporary solution.
> > I just fear the possible implicated burden in the long run
> > compared to OOT when propagating those blocks to multiple hosts.
> > Do you have documentation on how to properly build
> > the block controller cpp/hpp in-tree?
> >
> > I guess I'll have to rebuild the whole UHD?
> > I was just pulling binaries provided by my distribution.
> Based on Aaron's other email, it sounds like your plan of running
> without a custom block controller should work and that the default
> block controller should forward actions (I'm guessing that
> issue_stream_cmd is an action but not positive).  So, maybe we're on
> the wrong path.  But, if you are able to run ddc->issue_stream_cmd()
> rather than rx_stream->issue_stream_cmd() and get better results, then
> that is a good sign that the issue_stream_cmd is never making it to
> the DDC.

It works if I issue the stream_cmd via the ddc_ctrl instead of rx_stream.
So it seems that the gain block does not forward the action.
I have no idea why it does not.

The only issue with using ddc is that I have to issue on both ddc and
specify the port.

> If you decide you want to build an in-tree custom controller, here are
> my thoughts. Yes, you would need to build UHD from source. But, after
> building once, you could add additional blocks without rebuilding the
> whole UHD.  My procedure is the following:
> - copy the HPP into host/include/uhd/rfnoc/
> - update the CMakeLists.txt file in that folder to incorporate my new file
> - copy the CPP into host/lib/rfnoc/
> - update the CMakeLists.txt file in that folder to incorporate my new file
> - run make -jN from the host/build/ folder (it will notice the changes
> to CMakeLists and build just your files & re-link the UHD library)

I did for testing, and it works.

So the action is propagated by the gain block iif the controller is
built with UHD and hence recognized by uhd_usrp_probe.
Building the controller as OOT makes the block unrecognized and
hence falls back to name 'Block' and controller 'noc_block_base',
that does not seem to forward issue_stream_cmd.

All of this is quite inconvenient (for me).
Do you know if there is an internal roadmap to fix this?

Thanks to both of you for your help!

Cédric Hannotier

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