On 07/12/2020 11:38 PM, Larry Dodd wrote:
Strictly receiving Jupiter storms and solar flares. As a Radio Jove member for 
a couple years now we have recorded many Jupiter storms in the 15 to 30 MHz 
range. They are generally of three types. S bursts, L bursts and N events. We 
send the SDR data stream to Radio Sky Spectrograph software. The files are 
archived for study by NASA scientists and other researchers. Jupiters moon Io 
plays an important roll in directing these storm impulses to earth. We have 
special software that predicts the probability of receiving the storms based on 
Earth, Jupiter, and Io orbital positions. I can send you sample spectrograms if 
desired. We also study ionospheric events, galactic background noise, and some 
celestial scintillations. Yes RFI is a problem but there are software 
mitigation techniques.
Larry, K4LED
Thanks, Larry.

Yes, I'm familiar with all of that. I've been doing radio astronomy on and off since 1986, and started using SDR/Gnu Radio for it in 2004.

I did some work for Natural Resources Canada on riometers a couple of years ago, and have been involved in riometer development with
  Gnu Radio since 2010 or so.

On Jul 12, 2020, at 11:16 PM, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 07/12/2020 10:59 PM, Larry Dodd wrote:
Ok Thanks for the information Marcus.  I have both a Spyverter and Ham-it-up 
already. I may get an N210 eventually. The X series unfortunately are out of my 
funding range. I appreciate your expertise and advice. Thanks!
Larry, K4LED

Incidentally, what kind of radio astronomy are you planning to do at that frequency 
range?  It's mostly, as you might expect, "a mess", but
  some discrete frequencies are available for things like riometry, and looking 
at solar and jupiter radio bursts...

On Jul 12, 2020, at 10:08 PM, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 07/12/2020 09:42 PM, Larry Dodd wrote:
Actually I don’t have the B210 or the LFRX yet as I just ordered them but 
that’s all I ordered. Do I need to cancel the order?
Larry, K4LED
The LFRX will be of no use to you unless you have a platform that it can plug 
in to.

I'd keep the B210 part of the order, and order a HamItUp or SpyVerter 
upconverter module, which up-converts HF frequencies to
  a higher range that the B210 can tune to.

HamiTup is sold by NooElec, and the SpyVerter is sold by 

Again, the LFRX is a "daughtercard", which is used in various USRPS that use 
the daughter-card architecture, like the USRP1, USRP2,
  N2xx, X3xx, B100, and E100.

But the B210 is an excellent machine, it's just that it doesn't tune down to HF 
frequencies.  But with the addition of a (fairly cheap, IMHO)
  up-converter, you can explore the territory you're interested in quite nicely.

In terms of software, it really depends on what you want to *do*. If you just 
want an integrated FFT display that can cover your 15MHz
  of bandwidth, you can use the uhd_fft application, and have it sample at 15Msps--this 
assumes your computer is able to "keep up"
  at that rate--a good USB3 controller will be required, and a good multi-core 
machine to go with it.

On Jul 12, 2020, at 8:06 PM, Marcus D Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
The B210 is self contained and tunes down to 50Mhz at the lowest. The LFRX is 
for other types of USRPs. So first things first, what type of USRP do you have?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 12, 2020, at 7:43 PM, Larry Dodd via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

I need to set up a GNU HF spectrum analyzer with a waterfall using my B210, 
LNA, and LFRX daughter board. The target would be a 15 to 30 MHz (or wider) 
instantaneous spectrum for Radio Astronomy work. Rather than re-creating 
something that already exists where could I get a similar GNU flowgraph? Since 
I am brand new to USRP any advice is very welcome.
Larry, K4LED
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